Remember how we tested the Omicron injection on 8 mice but no humans? Did you know that ALL 8 of those mice caught covid when they were exposed to the virus?
Here is an interesting graph. Those purple dots you see on the right side? That is covid virus found in the nose and lungs of the mice who were given the new Omicron injection. When they were exposed TO the virus post vaccine, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM caught “covid”.
Here is the same graph posted by Igor:
The dot plots show viral counts in the LUNGS and in the NOSES of mice, who were twice-vaccinated with Moderna original series, then boosted with the Ba.5-based “bivalent booster”, then were exposed to a Ba.5 infection.
These are the super-protected mice, fully shielded by the magical power of mRNA science, right? Vaxed, and boosted with a Moderna Ba. 5-based booster. Can’t dream of better protection against Ba.5, wouldn’t you agree?
And what happened to these mice when challenged with Ba.5?
All of the mice got Covid! Oops.
Turns out that all of the bivalent-boosted mice got sick and had significant viral counts, not only in the noses but also in the lungs.
The only claim to fame here is that the Ba.5 boosted mice got fewer viral particles IN THE LUNGS.
However, all mice, boosted or not boosted, had plenty of viral particles IN THE NOSES. So all these boosted mice were great potential spreaders of the covid infection.
In addition, looking at the log plots of lung viral counts, the worst performing mouse had 10,000 TIMES more virions in the lungs than the best performing mouse!
Anyway, they are claiming that because these 10 mice have lower ba5 counts in the lungs, then somehow the bivalent vaccine should be helpful to people.
But mice are NOT people. How many people sick with Ba.5, had lung problems? Almost nobody.
***this is how they manipulate data to sway you. Previous variants had such severe lung problems that they play on your emotions of “well they got sick but hey the lungs weren’t affected!” The Omicron does not affect lungs like the wuhan/alpha/delta did anyways!!!!! Lord. 🤦🏼♀️
Some of the “LaTeSt GuIdAnCe” (clown world deserves clown type) says do not get a bivalent injection if you had covid in the last 90 days. Admittedly the omicron booster uptake has been pretty slim. Last statistic I saw was roughly 4.8% of American’s got the bivalent injection in September. Anecdotally in my office, most of the patients I see that did get the cron boost are over age 65. Only a handful of young people have gotten it or plan to. So it is not getting the use that previous injections did that is for sure. But also anecdotally, I know of 3 individuals who did get the cron boost and all 3 had “covid” in the 4 weeks prior to that booster injection. So apparently its just the Wild West with no consistent guidelines or education or consent for any of this garbage.
Thanks for breaking this down in a way that is easily understood by laypeople, Jennifer.
It is one of the reasons I always try to read your articles. The key bits are there, broken out from the dry reams of content that sometimes gets in the way of a paper for those of us unschooled in unearthing the morsels. And given we're all time poor that is really valuable as we try to stay informed while running on our treadmills of life.
I have to say, I am feeling a little depressing irony over our current tragic circumstance in this article. Pre-C19 we 'knew' that vaccinating for coronaviruses was a futile effort. I recall a feline one where the candidate vaccine led to some kind of ADE and the animals later died when challenged. Made things much worse. An early discordant note was the emphasis on a vaccine solution to the Plandemic. It did not fit the wider pattern. It did not match centuries of responses to epidemics. Isolating the healthy for a common cold? No, just no. Refusing to treat symptoms? When did medical nihilism become acceptable policy? A Doctor in South Africa, using anti-histamines, saved huge numbers of people. In Western nations people were sent home until they couldn't breathe, then they were killed in hospital slaughterhouses with Remdesivir and ventilators - long after we knew they were harmful not helpful.
So to have basically reached that 'understanding' once again, after turning the globe upside down, killing millions, disrupting and poisoning billions, stealing $3.7T from the 99% by the 1%, locking in perpetual emergency powers, normalising untested gene therapies as Trojan vaccines, and erecting the biosecurity state, we now have insights into the fact it was all for nothing.
Worse, it was all theater. Agendas-various were progressed. Are still being progressed. And now, children will be poisoned wholesale, every year they survive. The odds are not in their favour. Any society that will poison its most vulnerable, for any reason, is as morally bankrupt as Tony the Rat or GatesOfHell, or that toad Wallensky.
What will the average 18yo look like in 2040? After annual MRNA shots from birth?
What will it take to wake parents up, wholesale?
Thanks for this information! Love to read your insights! While reading this article, I realized I did not know which covid shot was added to the kids immunization schedule - the shot for novel covid or the booster mentioned in this article. Must have missed it. Thanks!