Hot off the presses in November, we now have a name for the carnage they have created. “Post vaccine syndrome”.
This is a study of 241 people with a median age of 46 years old. 192 of the participants were women, 49 were males. Out of this group, 127 received Pfizer, 86 received Moderna. The 28 others received another vaccine (J&J, Astra Zeneca, or did not know which vaccine they got.). The average time before vaccine issues started was 3 days post vaccine.
Interesting point to note: out of the 241 people, only 86 of them had covid. The rest of the individuals were vaccinated only, and did not have covid infection. Guess that blows the narrative of its the virus not the vaccine causing the issues.
Have a read through this. It is very interesting. It breaks down the symptoms, demographics of the patients, and just how sick they are.
Every person I know who got vaccinated (which is not many) seems to be sharing in many of these symptoms. Some worse than others. Safe and Effective ... they are still spouting this BS because they can get rich from kickbacks with absolutely no consequences for their lies. That bothers me most.
Perfect timing for you to share this article. A few friends and family members who got their jabs and have developed some illnesses since then, which involve exercise intolerance and excessive fatigue, will hopefully learn from this.