Pfizer’s newest data drop! What about the graphene oxide issue? Was it used during a portion of the development of the vaccine?
The Pfizer vaccine data is still trickling out. This 14 page data set from Pfizer is super interesting. First off, it states the dates of the vaccine testing done. Odd that the vaccine testing began on APRIL 7TH, 2020. Weren’t we being told back then that it would take years to create a vaccine? Good ol Pfizer already had theirs loaded in the chamber when we were less than a month into covid hysteria here in the US. The testing was completed in August 2020!
First up: they discuss how the Pfizer shot interacts with the body. From page 12:
What does this mean? Well, Pfizer did a study on the vax they had ready on April 7th 2020 to see how it worked. The study found that the vaccine used mRNA to instruct your cells to produce a protein (called P2 S), which is the spike protein of the alleged covid 19 virus. Your body then makes millions of spike proteins that then bind to the ACE2 receptor on the surface of your cells, inducing an immune system response. Do we have any doubt that the spike protein load from the shot is exponentially greater than what the alleged covid virus produces in the body? No. Because we trained the body to MAKE the millions of spike proteins, rather than to eliminate the spike protein from the body that our immune system does when exposed to the virus.
As if that isn’t bad enough, there is more. There has been two heavily divided camps on “graphene oxide” in the vaccines or not. What we know now from this data is that yes, they do use graphene oxide screens/grids during the protein binding process.
Graphene Oxide is indeed used in the manufacturing process of the vaccine in order to make the lipid nanoparticles stable. So what can we conclude from that? Is there graphene oxide in the vaccine itself? I am hypothesizing here, that depending on the lot number and batch of the vaccine, there COULD be traces at best of graphene oxide in the vaccine. One would hypothesize that the “contaminants” found in vaccines in Japan and elsewhere that led to them pulling lots of the vaccine could have been graphene oxide from the manufacturing process. Why do they use graphene oxide screens/grids during manufacturing? To stabilize the lipid nanoparticles.
So, if we needed graphene oxide to stabilize the lipid nanoparticles, what exactly are the lipid nanoparticles they are using in this Pfizer shot? Here is another document related to Pfizer, it is from Europe, discussing the nanoparticles they use.
Here are links to ALC-0315
And to ALC-0159
If you read the links, one of them is stable for greater than 4 years, the other has about a 1 year life. Is that why both were chosen? Also, BOTH have a disclaimer at the bottom that they are not for human or veterinary use, or for human consumption.
So that pesky graphene oxide used in the production of the Pfizer vax. We do know that graphene oxide crosses the blood brain barrier. It affects the central nervous system. It is positively charged in a way that attracts blood cells to other blood cells. Hmmmm. Sound like any of the side effects we have seen post vaccine? So what if some of the graphene oxide used during production of the vaccine made it into the vials? We already know several vials had DNA contamination (I posted an article about that a few days ago).
Is this a smoking gun that says graphene oxide is in the vaccines? No. Do we know that it is used in the production of the proteins that go into the vaccine? Yes. Is contamination possible? Yes. Again, we know the DNA contamination happened, it is hard to know what is in each vaccine vial lot to be honest. Because there are no standards for safety for any of these injections. Lot numbers are not consistent with the product the vials contain. To really know what is in the vials, you would have to have a set of vials to test from every lot that was ever manufactured. That is now impossible. At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the injection vials contain so many oddities from lot to lot due to poor production and safety standards.
One final item to mention. Completely discrediting that byproducts of graphene oxide from production could be in the vials would be irresponsible. Much like the religious exemptions that waived mandatory vaccines due to the HEK293 fetal line cells that were used in the production and testing of the vaccines, we do not know what happens to all by products and substances used in the creation of the injection, and what remains in the vials when they are shipped out to go into arms. Many religious exemptions were granted based on the HEK293 fetal line cells being used in production/testing and that they could be in the final product depending on the manufacturer. By default, anything used during production can have a byproduct in the final product. We do not know what is in the final product. We have some vials sampled, and various things have been found that we had no clue about. My hypothesis is the jury is still out on whether or not graphene is in the final product that was put into vials and injected into arms. We truly do not know with 100% certainty.
I did a video about this too. The totalitarians needed to fix the 2020 election because had Trump won he could have disclosed the classified information about the COVID crimes legally as president. Since he lost he cannot disclose top secret information. I believe he should anyway.
As always, a very informative report. Thanks for all you do to get the truth out.
The more data that emerges from this falsely inflated "pandemic" and its deadly "vaccines," the deeper the rabbit hole goes. The extent of corruption surrounding this entire operation is astounding.
At the same time, I marvel at how brilliantly planned, well-organized and executed this operation has been. This is a terrific case study on how to carry out a successful, global gaslighting operation, conning billions of people. This should be taught at "Globalist University." Maybe the WEF can add this to their Young Global Leaders training.
"Our side" has no such strategic thinking or organization. Ww have the numbers, but we're fractured, disorganized, conduct too much in-fighting, with no plan whatsoever, and poor-to-no overall leadership. While the globalists control 80-85% of the world's wealth and resources, that isn't the reason they're winning. It's their strategic planning, organization and unified, single-minded focus on their mission.