Personal stories shared with me about healthcare not supporting parents rights to not vaccinate their children.
Today is friend and reader example #1. See below the idiocracy they have faced with fighting against the vaccine system.
I have redacted state, name, and age to protect the identity of people and will gladly share ANY story like the one above. People need to see just how hard it is to make decisions for YOUR OWN CHILDREN!!!!!! The pediatric offices, the schools, the ACIP vaccine schedule……they all want to control your child and make life miserable if you don’t comply with them. Why do they want your kid vaccinated so badly? MONEY.
More of these examples to come. Those who don’t have children, or who have grown children, may not realize how horrible this has become for parents with kids under age 18. Your pediatrician will FIRE you as a patient just for refusing a vaccine.
As a collective, we need to support and help fight back with these parents. They are doing their job to raise and protect their kids, and the government and corrupt pediatricians need to stay in their lane. End the mandatory vaccine requirements!
And it isn’t just pediatricians. There was a couple a few years ago in Texas reporting that Baylor, Scott and White’s hospital called CPS on them for denying the Hep B shot who then threatened to take all their kids. They will shame you endlessly if you try to deny any vaccines. Also in Texas they are still illegally mandating the Covid vaccine for college students in healthcare. A friend of mine with a HS age son that went to a special summer camp event was berated for not having her son vaccinated. She said she just grinned and nodded as they berated her but stood firm and handed them the exemption form. It is cult like behavior the way they try to force this on everyone. They practically excommunicate you if you deny and resist. And they also make it very hard for parents to learn how they can get exemption forms.
Can't imagine how these parents must feel after "trusting the science" and then killing their babies.