Paxlovid ingredient is not only causing rebound covid symptoms, but it also creates new virus variants
In this study they evaluated molnupiravir, one of the ingredients in Paxlovid. Holy cow.
Download the PDF and read the entire article. The following is from the abstract:
“Molnupiravir reduces viral replication by inducing mutations throughout the genome, yet in patients that do not clear the infection, the longer-term impact of the drug on virus evolution is unclear. Here, we used a case-control approach to monitor SARS-CoV-2 genomes through time in nine immunocompromised -patients with five treated with Molnupiravir. Within days of treatment, we detected a large number of low-frequency mutations in patients and that these new mutations could persist and, in some cases, were fixed in the virus population. All patients treated with the drug accrued new mutations in the spike protein of the virus, including non-synonymous mutations that altered the amino acid sequence. Our study demonstrates that this commonly used antiviral can ‘supercharge’ viral evolution in immunocompromised patients, potentially generating new variants and prolonging the pandemic.”
So, was Paxlovid to treat covid or to keep it going? Why did it receive EUA status despite having 40+ medication interactions and being known to cause rebound covid symptoms? Was it really marketed to help people or to create more problems? 🧐
I remember seeing all this years ago as these drugs were brought to market and I even found an article from 2021 explaining the fear of new variants and cancer. Of course the FDA looked the other way and approved it.
I’m fully convinced all of the “people “ involved with any aspect of the C19 debacle are Demons. Change my mind.