As most of you know, Paxlovid for covid is ineffective, has a horrid track record of causing rebound covid, having 40+ drug class interactions, and horrible side effects. And now, we find that the massive use of this ineffective drug has another growing problem: drug resistance. In two short years, the nirmatrelvir version of the drug has a growing resistance to treating covid. In TWO YEARS. This billion dollar boondoggle med that made pharma tons of money is useless.
If you wind up with “covid” this winter, don’t use Paxlovid. It is not worth the risk, and there is no benefit. Unless you are a pharma company then you make more money.
More corruption from the FDA, CDC, Fauci and their Pharma masters ... what a shock. Will any of these criminals ever be held accountable? We need to turn Bobby loose on these monsters and hopefully watch them squirm.
Variants of what?? As the first 'virus' has never been proven to exist how can you have variants of a non existent entity?