Part 4: It’s time to have an honest discussion about vaccines.
Vigilant Fox came out with a great substack in late July. His findings are amazingly parallel to what we have discussed here so far.
I decided to add one more day of discussion to this series, because more and more healthcare people are coming out with data about vaccines that just do not support the vaccine schedule narrative that we have all been fed by pediatricians. After reading the historical data, one has to ask if pediatricians are truly practicing within scope of practice to require their patients to be vaccinated, and if their refusal to care for children who have not been vaccinated is malpractice. Because the DATA does not support the stance, and the RISK of autism has grown off the charts since the mid to late 1980’s. Which is when, the aggressive vaccination protocols for children were implemented. What makes this even scarier is that it goes deeper than just pediatricians! Schools are requiring vaccinations for kids to attend public school. Yes, exemptions are allowed. But WHY are schools, who are non-medical establishments, pushing this vaccine narrative just as hard as pediatricians are? Despite the risks? Despite PARENT CHOICE? Remember, minors cannot consent, parents as legal guardian decision makers for children have the FINAL SAY in what goes into their kids. But healthcare and the schools are trying awfully hard to take that parental choice away. Why?
The photos below come from the post by Vigilant Fox above. Presentation by Dr. Christina Parks at a healthcare summit. The link to her presentation is in the post above as well.
“We’ve all been led to believe that vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread, that they’ve saved humanity, and that if we did not widely use them, we would return to the Dark Ages, where people fall over dead from scary diseases of the past.
But is this really the case? Were vaccines truly what saved us, or did their perceived benefit just happen to correlate with another important variable?
During a 90-minute presentation at the United Healthcare Summit, Dr. Christina Parks unraveled this very important question.
Well, here’s the mortality rate of measles before 1963, the year that we first licensed the measles vaccine. Notice a downtrend long before the measles vaccines? Odd.
And Diphtheria
Notice a trend? Deaths from these diseases were trending to near zero LONG before we ever had a vaccine for them. Hmmm….sounds just like what Dr. Tim O’Shea reported in his book that we discussed a few days ago.
What was the REAL reason for reduced death from these vaccinated diseases? SANITATION!!! “When we had the advent of sanitation, of clean water, of getting people out of ghettos from the Industrial Revolution, then we saw the fall in all of these diseases. And so again, the rate per 100,000 for tuberculosis is looks like maybe two or three. And for typhoid fever, essentially zero.” This correlates to what happened with measles and diphtheria as well. Ah, so sanitation was doing wonders long before vaccines “saved the day.” And so, they had to manipulate the data to convince you otherwise. When childhood vaccines were released, the general public had zero access to data like we do today. There was no internet, no CDC website, no county epidemiology statistics site. You based the decision to vaccinate on historical data. Diseases and death that happened BEFORE the sanitation efforts improved. And remember, Rockefeller had ALREADY taken over medical training and the healthcare regime in/around 1910… his propaganda machinery was already well at work pumping out their narrative and treatment options. Making money.
“So back to the original question: did vaccines save us from disease? Decide for yourself. But I’d argue improvements to sanitation was already doing wonders, and vaccines came in, rode its coattails, and created a $187 billion dollar industry.”
Here is the change in prevalence of autism after the escalated Vaccine Schedule. It is immense.
And at what cost? Because the autism numbers cannot be ignored. We cannot let the reality of what injecting babies with heavy metals and chemicals has potentially done. Just stop and think about it logically. The sudden rise in incidence in the early 1990’s, and again in the early 2000’s when we added MORE vaccines. If the aggressive vaccine schedule, thimerosol, and aluminum in the vaccines did not play a role in this massive rise in autism, then WHAT ALL DID?! The talking heads on television, the CDC, the pediatricians…….they blame genetics, they blame environment, but if it was genetic then wouldn’t we see the same incidence overall across the decades? Is it from aggressively vaccinated moms and dads and the icing on the cake is vaccinating the child at birth and every few months after? Because we have to ask these questions. This is what scares me with the current experimental covid injections: we DO NOT KNOW what that is going to do in one, two, five, 10, or 20 years down the road. What will autism rates look like? Birth rates? Other genetic issues? We have to wrap our heads around the fact that preventing illness that has nearly zero mortality yet causes lifetime consequence is NOT the way to protect our kids. Is rotavirus nasty? Yes. Horrible diarrhea. It can cause dehydration. And with modern medicine we can IV hydrate little ones as they clear the virus and recover. WHY do we vaccinate for that? Is the risk of getting rotavirus really worse than the toxic chemicals in the vaccine? Is the risk of covid really worse than the toxic mRNA technology IN the vaccine? These are big questions we need to be asking. The future of our country is literally at stake here.