The National Council of Churches functions through dozens of interlocking departments, grouped under several major divisions. The Council is of such magnitude that in 1968, 56 years ago, the National Council of Churches expended over $19 million on a worldwide network of Leftist projects. In that same year, the NCC collected $24,819,000 from gullible American Christians and tax-exempt Leftist foundations. Here is what I was able to find in current day finances:
Don’t kid ourselves, the National Council of Churches is heavily funded into the billions. They are heavily involved in numerous social and progressive non-profits. The tentacles are deep. The changes made in 2013 are listed below:
In 2013, the NCC adopted the following “Social Creed for the 21st Century"
System of criminal rehabilitation based on restorative justice and end to the death penalty
Limits on the power of private interests in politics
Just and fair immigration policies
Sustainable use of earth's resources
Nuclear disarmament and redirection of military spending
Religious dialogue among all faiths
Strengthening multilateral diplomacy, The United Nations, and the rule of international law
Does this Social Creed agenda remind you of anything else? Perhaps the Liberal social agenda? If it doesn’t, it should! This is an 11 year old agenda, and think about some of these points. Does the cash bail and lack of prosecution in heavily blue cities sound like bullet point 1? Limiting the power of private interest in politics because the medical/military/industrial complex control our politics? Massive flooding of illegal immigration at the border? Obama’s decimation of the military and redirection of spending away from the military? Humanism instead of God? Focus on the UN and international law rather than our own country’s laws and constitution?
We know that the National Council of Churches have been doing the work of social progressivism for many decades. Did you know that your church (if you belong to one that is in the NCC) is doing the political bidding that may not align with your political or personal belief system? Why do you think many churches closed during covid? THEY WERE TOLD TO by the NCC. Or by the UN, or by some other entity. Why did they advocate for vaccinations? THEY WERE TOLD TO. The people in the pulpit were trained to do the very same bidding that healthcare providers and educators and every other captured profession were trained to do: what the powers that be want them to say and do.
One area that many Christians struggle with is this: the National Council of Churches has joined with many other “humanist” groups, with gay rights activist, feminists, atheists, and together oppose any type of Christian political action on the grounds of it is a violation of the separation of church and state. This very ideology and mentality is how Christianity was captured to begin with. People disguised as Christians bearing false witness towards the church set out to destroy BOTH the church and state. They did this by giving the state power over things that belong to the church, and did so under the guise of “social action”. Things such as Social Security, Welfare, unemployment, minimum wage, family planning, labor relations, education, housing, mental health, abortion, etc. These items were all relegated to the State under the term “human rights”. (Remember, the Christian church under the NCC is “humanist” first, not God first). Men who falsely represented the church began to also socialize the state at the same time. Two separate movements under the same agenda. This is part of why religion is not so important to the younger generations. They have been taught that humanism is the priority, not the relationship with God. They are getting that viewpoint at school, at work, at church, EVERYWHERE. And they have for decades.
This social agenda is why we are seeing the massive division in the Methodist church right now. The NCC wants this to happen. One portion of the church is rebuking the “humanist” values and reclaiming their “God” views. The Christian faith has so much division because the parishioners who are not wanting to be part of the humanist movement are leaving their churches and joining others that are NOT part of the National Council of Churches. They want to be God led, not humanist led. The issue of LGBTQ was the final crack in the Methodist foundation. The church is separating into two different factions, one humanist, one reclaiming the true tenets of God. It is similar to the Lutheran church. The current ELCA Lutheran church was formed in 1988 when 3 Lutheran branches joined together. Noticeably missing is another branch of the Lutheran faith: the Missouri Synod Lutherans. The Missouri Synod Lutherans’s are traditional Christians, God led not humanist, and they will have NO PART in the humanist movement. They are very much rooted in God not humanism. So much so that unless you are a member of the Missouri Synod branch, you cannot receive communion in their church. I remember as a kid we were taught by the ELCA Lutheran church that the Mo Synod Lutherans were “weird” and “not inclusive”. Joke is on all of us now isn’t it. They didn’t get captured, but we did.
I encourage you to read through the ELCA webpage. It is seriously lacking in any true GOD basis. They mention his name multiple times, but give very little substance based in scripture. Their statements are broad, and heavy in the humanism and social ideological views. Their stance on LGBTQIA after “reviewing the scripture” is a great subversive tactic. That is just their humanist social propaganda ideological training, not scripture reflection. I am not trying to pick on the ELCA, but they are the church I grew up in, where I was confirmed and baptized. I always wondered why I didn’t “connect” with the church. It was always a struggle. I understand now that I can only surmise I didn’t connect with the message being told to me, and it never spoke to my heart or spirituality.
Reverend Gregg Singer states:
“When human government extends its powers and operations to those spheres of human life which God did not render subject to it, government then finds itself in opposition to its divinely bestowed purposes…..It is this extension of power into these forbidden areas which has created the modern totalitarian state. When human government enters into the field of labor relations, education, mental and physical health, agriculture, housing, and those other areas of legislation so characteristic of the federal government of today, it leaves its proper functions and enters into those areas of life which God has either ordained that the church or the family should have as their particular sphere of responsibility. The real problem then, is…the reduction of the scope of government, tho those spheres which are already conferred upon it by the Scriptures and the surrender of those extra-biblical powers which liberal political philosophy and practice have given to it during the last hundred years or so. Only then will freedom be restored to its former and proper place in the life of the American people.
I encourage all of you to research this information. Research the churches who are part of the National Council of Churches. Decide for yourself what you need to do if you are part of a faith community that has been captured. Including the link again to reference what churches are part of the National Council of Churches.
Many many thanks to Jim for the amazing research he sent me to put this together. Sadly, this 3 day series just scratches the surface. I could probably write a post a day for two weeks on this topic and the corruption behind it. The ties to the Cold War, communism, other wars, etc. But this gives you the gist of what has happened. This wouldn’t have been possible without Jim’s help. It was a pleasure to collaborate with him on this project!
Dr. F, thank you for your kind words! Great series, bursting with information. It can be hard for people to reimagine our bloated federal government. Its two primary duties are to provide a stable money supply and protect from outside aggression. The Federal Reserve is owned by hidden private banks, some foreign. Our borders are porous. The rest of the federal behemoth is just a parasite on the taxpayers. We must love God with all our hearts and insist on a property society.
Starting at around age 16, my mother taught me about the dangers associated with globalism and ecumenicism. She was way ahead of her time; I can see that now. (This was over 50 years ago.) I guess you could say that she saw it coming a mile away and made sure I knew about it. I miss that remarkably intelligent lady.