Next up in this discussion with the amazing post by Brian Cates
All I can say here is well done Brian. Lets dig into this post.
“In 1999, in response to the exploding epidemic of autism and other neurological disorders, the CDC decided to study its vast Vaccine Safety Datalink — the medical and vaccination record of millions of Americans, archived by the top HMOs — to learn whether the dramatic escalation of the vaccine schedule, beginning in 1989, was a culprit in the increased incidence of autism and neurological disorders. The CDC’s in-house epidemiologist, Thomas Verstraeten, led the effort.” (Remember, this was the year AFTER Dr. Wakefield’s Lancet article about the possible connection to vaccines and autism).
Here was his finding:
So they looked at a much larger demographic than the 12 patients that Dr. Wakefield looked at. The researchers above had concerns about vaccines given in just the first month of life. They looked at over 400,000 infants who were vaccinated between 1991-1997. Dr. Verstraeten found 286 children with degenerative and 3702 children with developmental neurological disorders. The highest exposure group was 1 month olds who were getting high doses of ethylmercury from Thimerosol. They also found this group to have sleep disorder, speech disorder, and autism. They concluded that HIGH EXPOSURE to thimerosol vaccines in the FIRST MONTH of life increased the risk of neurologic development impairment, and recommended more studies.
As a follow up, here is Dr. Verstraeten’s paper on “generation zero”.
I highly recommend you read this 22 page report. Below is a graph from it.
Keep in mind here, while reading through the 22 page report, the FDA and the CDC did not want this data released. They wanted Dr. Verstraeten to keep “re-running” the numbers to make it something “better”. He notes in a 1999 email that despite re-running the numbers, the findings remained the same. Again, I highly recommend you read that 22 page report.
After seeing this, was Dr. Wakefield totally off base with his suspicions in that retracted Lancet article? This data would suggest that no, he was not. While his sample was small, this follow up by Dr. Verstraeten confirms the possible link that Wakefield found. This would also suggest that the over-reaction by Dr. Stork yesterday was pure medical propaganda bluster to distract from the truth of the matter. Deflect deflect deflect. Repeat the narrative.
“Verstraeten’s initial data run suggested that mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines — administered during the first month of life — were associated with a wide range of neurological injuries, including a dramatic 1,135% rise in autism risks among vaccinated children.
Verstraeten’s findings propelled the CDC into DEFCON 1. The agency’s top vaccine officials summoned 52 pharmaceutical industry leaders, the foremost vaccinologists from academia and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and public health regulators from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, World Health Organization (WHO) and European Medicines Agency to a secret two-day meeting at the remote Simpsonwood retreat center in Norcross, Georgia, to strategize about how to hide these awful revelations from the public.”
This part is horrifying:
“Apparently, nobody had checked to see what the new levels of mercury & aluminum would be on this new vaccination schedule introduced in 1989. No one bothered to look at how much was in each DOSE, which would correlate to total accumulative doses of mercury and aluminum were being given at one time when we upped the number of vaccines administered at one time. At least, this is the claim that’s made. Out of thousands of health professionals supposedly doing the serious work of guarding the public health, nobody took the time to do the necessary and vital calculations before all these new vaccines and the accelerated vaccine schedule for children were approved and rolled out the door. And all that money rolled into Big Pharma’s pockets.
Somebody finally did the research in 2005, crunching the numbers only **after** a stratospheric rise in autism and neurological disorders in America’s children concurrent with the new vaccine schedule. A report was issued and it began circulating at the highest levels. Because of this, simply continuing to ignore the issue was no longer an option.”
So one would think the government would come clean now, right? Admit to a massive “Oops, we failed to look at the cumulative effect that each vaccine had in the mercury doses kids were getting”. They would modify the vaccine schedule. Make necessary changes. Nope. Zero ownership. Instead, they went into “clean up and cover up mode”. In 2005, they held a 2 day conference to decide how they were going to “clean this up”. Here is the 200+ page transcript of that meeting:
“Most of these individuals attending this conference were physicians and regulatory officials who had committed their lives to public health out of idealism and deep concern for children. Verstraeten’s data was presented to them and they were confronted with the fact that the cumulative mercury levels in all those new increased vaccines given at one time, that they had recommended, had overdosed a generation of American children with mercury concentrations over a hundred times the exposures the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered safe.
In recommending a vast battery of new vaccines for children, public health regulators had somehow neglected to calculate the cumulative mercury and aluminum loads in all the new jabs.
This was a dereliction of duty of staggering proportions.”
“In the tense days leading up to the Simpsonwood conclave, children’s health champion Dr. Ruth Etzel of the EPA pleaded with her fellow public health leaders to publicly admit they made a terrible mistake by inadvertently poisoning American children, and to repair the damage.
But they obviously did not heed the advice of Dr. Etzel. The consensus of the Simpsonwood Conference was that they would bury the report and double down on the claim the vaccines were perfectly safe.
Fully grasp this: knowing what they now knew, the decision was made - with eyes wide open - to **continue** using these vaccines and pumping these dangerous and poisonous levels of mercury and aluminum into America’s children.”
Really, there are no words. They knew all along. But chose to do nothing.
Remember how the TV physicians acted towards Jenny McCarthy and her attorneys/researchers yesterday? Who do you think gave credible information and who did not? Remember the tantrum Travis Stork threw on stage? Is he a denier or just simply totally uneducated about this?
The TV show “The Doctors” were not the only media covering up vaccine injury. Here is a recount by Robert Kennedy Jr, from Brian’s post above. Surely we all know who Jake Tapper is…….
“Tapper spent several weeks working on the story with me (Kennedy) and a team of enthusiastic ABC reporters and technicians. During his frequent conversations with me over that period, he was on fire with indignation over the Simpsonwood revelations. He acted like a journalist hoping to win an Emmy.
The day before the piece was to air, an exasperated Tapper called me to say that ABC’s corporate officials ordered him to pull the story. The network’s pharmaceutical advertisers were threatening to cancel their advertising. Remember, pharma accounts for 70%+ of advertising dollars given to media. Big money.
“Corporate told us to shut it down,” Tapper fumed. Tapper told me that it was the first time in his career that ABC officials had ordered him to kill a story.
ABC had advertised the Simpsonwood exposé, and its sudden cancellation disappointed an army of vaccine safety advocates and parents of injured children who deluged the network with a maelstrom of angry emails.
In response, ABC changed tactic and publicly promised to air the piece. Instead, following a one-week delay, the network duplicitously aired a hastily assembled puff piece promoting vaccines and assuring listeners that mercury-laden vaccines were safe.
The new “bait and switch” segment precisely followed Pharma’s talking points. “I’m putting my faith in the Institute of Medicine,” ABC’s obsequious medical editor, Dr. Tim Johnson, declared in closing. Two pharmaceutical advertisements bracketed the story.
After that piece aired, I called Jake to complain. He neither answered nor returned my calls.
Jake Tapper faced a moment of truth. But instead of doing the right thing, he sold out. And now 17 years later he’s slandering someone telling the awful truth about Big Government and Big Pharma’s latest crimes.
Jake Tapper has been very vocal about the covid vaccine being “safe and effective” and has done all he can to discredit Robert Kennedy. But ol Jake knows the truth. He knew in 2005 that pharma and vaccines were a dirty business of corruption and cover up. Money talks doesn’t it.
I present the information I have, and let people form their own opinions. I hope each of you dig into this data and learn what an elaborate cover up this has been all along. Covid vaccines are just the latest money making regime. It has been going on for decades, and our children have paid the price for a very long time.
I am printing out this series, laminating it and sticking it to my forehead so that everyone I meet can read and finally understand what you have made so easy to understand!
I'm in the middle of reading the book right now, and I'm prepared to be completely open-minded. It seems very thoroughly researched and cross-referenced so I'd be really interested to know which parts Tapper thinks are lies.