Part 3: How healthcare became the system it is today: Rockefeller did not stop at just discovering plastics, he wanted to own the entire healthcare complex.
So what other shenanigans was Rockefeller up to? He already paid for the Flexner report of 1910 law, destroying anything other than his approved allopathic medicine training programs. He already discovered other benefits of his petroleum business to merge them into healthcare. He founded the American Cancer Society for his own financial gain.
Hemp was criminalized because it could be used for medicinal AND fuel purposes, which was a financial threat to the Rockefeller Monopoly. He systematically dismantled any mention of natural healing power of herbs and plants or of the importance of diet to health in medical curriculums. The result is a system which to this day churns out doctors who are almost clueless about nutrition and disregard the idea that what you eat can actually heal or hurt you. Then, he created The Hill-Burton Act of 1946 which gave hospitals grants for construction and modernization, on the condition they provide free healthcare to anyone in need, without discrimination of any kind. Sounds like an altruistic good thing, right? Well, the downside was that people became dependent on this system for their healthcare needs and medication that needed to be taken daily. Once they had the patients on medications and in their system, they flipped the script! The “free” system switched into a paid system, and the Rockefellers found themselves with new lifelong customers, getting paid large sums of money to care for these patients. For the Rockefeller Big Pharma regime, there is no financial incentive to heal you, because a patient cured is a customer lost. Even if you are not sick, Big Pharma is still targeting you, trying to convince you that you are ill. I can look frustratingly at some of the mental health screeners we use to this day. Depending on your mood the day you take that screening, you could wind up on medications or not. It is not credible or reliable. It relies on patients not catastrophizing their symptoms, and it relies on a provider not trying to shove a square peg in a round hole to justify medicating a patient.
In 1939, a "Drug Trust" alliance was formed by the Rockefeller empire and the German chemical company IG Farben (the company who he acquired to produce plastics) later changed their name and became the pharmaceutical company Bayer. Another interesting factoid about IG Farben: they are the same company that assisted Hitler by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. What an upstanding company! NOT! Post WWII, IG Farben spun off more pharmaceutical companies that we know today as Proctor & Gamble, Bristol Myers Squib, Roche, and Sanofi Aventis. It would not be a stretch to say these pharma companies are rooted in Nazi money and propaganda. The Rockefeller empire, in tandem with the company now known as JP Morgan Chase, owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States. It is the largest drug manufacturing conglomerate in the world. Since WWII, the pharmaceutical industry has steadily netted increasing profits to become the world's second largest manufacturing industry, second only to the arms industry.
And here we are today. Straight from the Rockefeller Foundation page is quoted below. Sounds just like the modern day version of the 1910 Flexner report, doesn’t it? Because Rockefeller already OWNS the pharma companies, they are just paying universities that they have ALREADY funded in the past to do their dirty work and assume liability for research, sway public opinion by sticking a fancy university name on a drug research project, and the general population believes it to be an amazing drug developed by the “smart intelligent scientist physicians at Harvard” when really it was just Rockefeller dollars paying for a Rockefeller drug company to create a drug in a Rockefeller funded university lab. Modern day style.
“Several initiatives now under way are enabling the University’s scientists to take active roles in therapeutic discovery while maintaining control of their inventions. There are two main reasons to the keep projects in this so-called “pre-competitive space.”
Academic scientists, with their great breadth of fundamental knowledge, have demonstrated greater success in identifying productive drug targets than more narrowly focused corporate R&D operations.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers, biotech companies, and venture capitalists now require academic labs to demonstrate that their findings have the potential to generate safe, effective new medicines before they will invest in intellectual property.