Yesterday we looked at the work absence data, the number of absences after covid shot administration began, and the number of VAERS issues being reported early on that were much higher than anticipated. Today, we look at the monetary loss from this data and the economic impact it had and continues to have.
The Humanity Project split the impact of the vaccines into four broad categories to estimate the human costs associated with the Covid-19 vaccine; no effect or asymptomatic, those who sustained injuries (mild-to-moderate outcome), those who became disabled (severe outcome), and death (extreme outcome). Data on vaccine disabilities and injuries comes directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), while the excess death figures are derived from official figures on deaths in the US via two different methods.
Every time someone said that these shots saved lives, it was a lie. Every dollar that Pfizer and Moderna made equaled a $13 dollar loss to our economy lost due to an employee missing work, becoming disabled, or dying. That is just in the United States alone!
I highly recommend following Ed Dowd on Twitter and following his Humanity Project website. They are both numbers driven with data out the wazoo.
Thanks Jennifer. Ed Dowd is making a big difference. It is the greatest crime in history. We are right in the middle of a huge eugenics cull. It's a war against the weak. The criminals will be stopped. Peace. :-)
He was interviewed on Dr Drew a few days ago. Highly recommend everyone watch it on YouTube, jaw dropping.