Again, thank you Jim! See his Substack link in yesterday’s post.
As we discussed yesterday, the origination and the founding of humanism in place of Christianity, today we move to “global implementation”.
In 1945, John D. Rockefeller Jr addressed the Protestant Council of NYC. He delivered an address titled “The Christian church, What of its future?”. He was proposing transforming the church of the Living GOD, and eliminating ordinance, ritual, creed, and non-essentials”. Remember, this movement is full of non-Christian Marxists, who have been scattered about throughout the Christian faith churches for 60 years now, so proposing this idea would not be so far fetched nor as difficult to garner interest. There are at least 3 generations who have been taught the “new ideas” of the Federal Council of Churches at this point. It was known that Rockefeller Jr was a believer of new liberal theology rather than the fundamentalism version that Christianity was founded upon. They have had time, money, and opportunity to spread their ideology for long enough that getting Christians to abandon their traditional rituals and creeds would be far less difficult. Most of the “old school traditional Christian’s were getting to an age of passing away, so they focused on every new generation adopting their ideology.
But, they did face some complications. In 1950, the Federal Church Council was under fire. Their connections to communism were discovered post WWII, and they needed to make some changes to avoid being fully exposed. Their plan? They changed the FCC name to what we know as current day National Council of Churches. They issued a big statement that “things have changed, we have stopped all that stuff, we removed the bad people from our amazing movement, we abolished that organization, and voila, here is the NEW organization”. However, the tenets of the FCC continued and do so in current day. Nothing changed aside from the name. And today, they are bigger than ever under the National Council of Churches name.
Rockefeller’s idea was to create “ecumenical Religion” which required the following to happen: degrade Christianity as a unique faith and provided loans to churches in exchange for doctrinal changes, funding seminaries that would produce “modernist ministers”, and ultimately, weakening Christianity would open the door for Christianity to consolidate with other faiths and social agendas. (Sound familiar to current day?). They rallied these churches to unify by motivating them under social causes, which most religious people would support, and called for “united action”. Of course they needed money for this, and Rockefeller Jr was happy to bankroll this movement.
The National Council began popularizing the word “ecumenical” calling for world churches to preach one word religion: Humanism. (Remember yesterdays post that said they wanted to replace God focused faith with People focused faith?). They pushed forward with Socialism as the economic system for these churches to follow, and humanism as the religious system for parishioners. Humanism had to take over, in place of creationism, as a Socialist economy cannot occur in a creationism faith. The repercussions? Humanism became the religion of most churches in the United States, in our courts of law, schools, colleges, and universities. It is also the religion of the United Nations.
By the 1960’s, the National Council of Churches had tentacled into nearly every facet of our lives. They were part of the NEA (National Educators Association), National Association of Evangelicals, the Catholic Conference, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America, New York University, Johns Hopkins University, Emory University, and many more. **Jim inserts an important note here that it was during this same time in the 1960’s when public schools changed from teaching history in schools to teaching “Social Studies”. If you ever wondered why you never learned about history in its true and pure form, it is because this group of people made sure you were taught what THEY wanted you to learn, a social engineering movement at its finest. They had captured every part of our world: the media, the educational systems, healthcare, they even own publishing companies that print textbooks.
R.J Rushdoony made the following statement regarding the National Council of Churches: “by its omnipresence in most news and communications media, and by its presence in church and state, it is working to weaken the moral fiber of people. The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything. Every attempt is being made, in and through schools and other media, to create that favorable terrain. The terrain, here, however, is man, created in the image of God, and man, though fallen, is ethically, not metaphysically separated from God. His nature remains the same, a creature of God, made in His image and responsible to Him, made under God’s law and made to obey Him. Man can alienate himself morally to his own destruction, but he cannot alienate himself metaphysically. He remains always a creature of God, he cannot become a creature of the state or of man. The religion of “humanity” is therefore a delusion which can only destroy those who put their trust in it.”
This is the groundwork that has been churning in our media, our school systems, our churches, for the last 100+ years. It is much easier to spread their agenda now, with the invention of instant media. Prior to the early 2000’s, they relied purely on newspapers, television, teachers from Kindergarten to Universities, pastors in churches, etc to spread their mission. When we realize the birth of liberalism and socialism was rooted in our Christian faith for over 140 years it is sickening. When we ask “how can people believe something that we know to be so false?, this is your answer. I think that some people are able to decipher that what they have been taught is manufactured manure. Others just believe what they are told and when they have the media, a textbook, and a pastor to back them up, they have no reason to believe the opposite to be true.
Remember: it only takes 1 generation of kids to be brainwashed to change the world. Other readings have shown that the education sector was completely Marxist captured by the early 1990’s. Healthcare in the mid 1910’s. Christianity by the 1880’s. They had to start with our faith. Because it is the one thing most hold so dear as their true north, their compass in life. Subvert their view of God and Christianity, you will bring the entire organization into your control.
Tomorrow we will look at current modern effects of this “humanism” movement.
This explains two phenomenon I have observed in my lifetime. The demonizing of all Fundamentalist Christian sects and a general flow of people from organized religion. I guess the Humanists (Communists) must do a "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" act as the God centered fundamentalist teaching appeal to those actually interested in a relationship with God. Can't have that if you are to become The New Soviet Man! I think the general rejection of organized religion was an unintended consequence of sorts. I know the obviously anti-individual teaching foisted on me by the Catholic Church (even at an early age) was not true and intended to harm me. It was NOT in my best interest to remain an obedient Catholic. I suspect many have come to this conclusion. In my opinion it is not likely that God created a species of distinct individuals because he wanted us to behave like a collective. We are not herd animals. Humanism/Communism is anti-individual. If you are an individual then Communists mean you dire harm. And they want us all dead.
Thank you, Dr. F. What always helps me understand humanism and communism is visualizing how they appeal to an adolescent mentality. Parental rebellion. God is our Creator, our Parent, and that is Immutable. Satan was/is a God wannabe, nothing more. Think of the Disney Pinocchio: He went to Pleasure Island and was told he could do whatever he wanted and ended up a donkey mine slave. John Rockefeller Jr. is not a Christian and was not trying to improve Christianity.