Yesterday we discussed the Dr. Wakefield case, and the book by Tim O’Shea. Today we are going another level deeper. What the mainstream media has done to people who spoke out against vaccinations and the effects that vaccines had on their kids. Obviously, famous people have a different platform to do so than the average Joe does. One such celebrity is Jenny McCarthy. Her son was a normally progressing healthy toddler until his 1 year vaccinations. After that, she watched her formerly normally developing son decline neurologically.
She has spoken out on any platform that will listen. She has done fundraisers for vaccine research. And in response, that poor woman has been dragged through the mud in her fight to find answers for her son. Her character has been questioned, her intelligence has been questioned, even her morality has been questioned as the world tried to silence her from speaking out about what happened to her son. She has been quite vocal that her son was one of the kids that was put on the “accelerated vaccine schedule”. Since then, she has been on a crusade to fight for kids to be protected from vaccine injury. She has been a fierce fighter NOT in the anti-vaccine movement, but in the separate the vaccines up and do not give multiple vaccines at one time camp. She wants testing of all vaccines for safety, she wants the doses spread out to reduce the amount of aluminum, mercury, and thimerosol given at one time, and she wants education provided about the risks of vaccines. Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
In 2009, she went on the TV show “The Doctors”, below is the clips. If you think the medical regime is not all about protecting themselves, just have a watch here.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Notice how irate Dr. Travis Stork gets. He makes a blanket statement that vaccines are safe. When he is called on the carpet to answer the questions about how many vaccines are actually tested, why we are the ONLY country giving some of these vaccines, and why only 1-2 of these vaccines have been tested…….the Bachelor TV show contender Dr. Stork is not able to answer, because his entire education and narrative has been vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate. He goes into instant anger and defense mode of “oh no you don’t get to come on MY stage and confront me with these questions!”. Dr. Sears next to him remembers with horror when he was a kid and he would go “round” with his dad when he saw kids sick with “vaccine preventable” illnesses. (Why would his dad take him on rounds with kids that had communicable diseases?) He continues to regurgitate the decreases in epiglottitis and meningitis and influenza deaths. Which is a lie, as I did an extensive substack post months ago about how the flu vaccine has done ZERO to stop flu mortality, using the CDC’s own data to support that! Both of them fail to answer ANY of the questions they are asked about safety and testing of vaccines. They get mad, deflect, bluster, circumvent, and come full circle that it is the foods we eat and the environment. But it is DEFINITELY not the vaccines! Man oh man……this was 2009 and today you could substitute covid vaccine for MMR and sudden cardiac death for autism and it is the very same discussion. And the very same reaction from a physician when the discussion is brought up. They use anger and superiority to defend their stance, but zero data or studies to back them up. They also repeatedly say that the vaccines are highly studied, but we know they are not. That was evidenced yesterday in the post by Tim O’Shea.
Adding to the “lack of testing” that Jenny McCarthy discussed…….we have this article. Turns out, traditional vaccines have not been tested as much as the “medical world” wants us to believe they have. Decades on the market, and we never tested the fertility consequences or the cancer causing capability of Hepatitis A,B, and flu shots? You have got to be kidding me. Heavily tested is a lie.
How big is the lie that “traditional” vaccines have been tested for safety??? They have NOT BEEN TESTED for safety! We DO NOT KNOW if they are capable of causing cancer, mutagenicity, or if they impair fertility! THEY NEVER TESTED THEM. These are package inserts from the FDA website from the Lioness substack link above.
SO, what about the fertility decreasing capabilities of vaccinations as a whole? Well, have a look at this: this is the “possible” fertility effects of vaccinations” from an article published in 1992:
And what about cancer? We throw BILLIONS of dollars towards cancer research each year. And in a 9 year span we saw cancer diagnoses go UP by 5 million cases?
The biggest danger we have in healthcare is cognitive dissonance. We believe what we are told, we don’t know what we don’t know, and we cannot admit that maybe our thinking is flawed and our education was skewed and biased by big pharma. What if, what we were taught is wrong? What if the narrative tells us wrong information? I was proud of Jenny and her attorney in these videos, because they did not cow-tow to the usual medical physician propaganda of “we are doctors, do not question us” nor dud she succumb to the good cop/bad cop that Stork and Sears clearly tried to play here. And, as shown above with just 3 common vaccines, they are NOT tested for safety. We truly do not know what ANY vaccine is capable of long term. We do know that vaccines can be designed to affect fertility, and there is no denying cancer cases are on the rise. But oh yeah, thats right, we never tested the vaccines. I wonder why? Perhaps because they knew what testing would show, and they were not gonna let another slip up of data be released about that. I discuss that tomorrow. Tomorrow’s post is a real bombshell of how far the government went to cover up vaccine dangers in kids.
We also don't know how safe they are in the shorter term given the habitually criminal Big (P)harma PI trials often involve a faux-cebo rather than something actually inert.
I read of 1, IIRC it was Gardasil and the 'placebo' was a Meningitis shot.
And RFK might have covered a HIV related one where AZT was the placebo. The memory isn't what it used to be, but this pattern of deception is real. And the fact that even a single instance wasn't a huge controversy is disquieting. Just like the pattern of shooting up the control groups in every C19 trial age range, with barely a mention - for gene therapies that trojaned their way in as vaccines and are STILL under trial, officially. The levels of evil in that alone boggle the mind. I pray we have a reckoning with every last one of those criminals involved.
Looking wider, they have been preparing us for this slaughter for most of our lives. Daily programming, literally. And since most of us are debt slaves, and the working week has been inexorably expanding for decades, who of us has the time to critically analyse much of anything? Everyone is time-poor. I was lucky last year since I took some long service leave, and I dived deep on a range of topics. And once the utter horror passed I knew there were some redlines I wouldn't ever let them push me across.
As for the childhood vaccine schedule, words fail me. That they are treating young humans like pin cushions is clear. That they have chosen to not do a cumulative study on the impact of this flood of toxins they are injecting into our most vulnerable is an epic crime. Let people cherry pick the most benign single shot, the one that maybe 'works', but that proves nothing about the worst shot or the cumulative effect of them all.
Another RFK stat that actually stuck with me. The annual take for shots to Big (P)harma is ~$60B and the annual bill for treatment of chronic illnesses is ~$500B. They win both ways. Mandatory shots. And customers for life. Odds are good that there is some causality there.
Thankfully by going so hard they are waking people up to the layers of lies. Cracks are appearing. Their golden age is over, one way or the other.
Love your post! Those who believe that “every vax is totally safe and effective for every human” but peanuts, shellfish and eggs aren’t because the human body is complicated are proof that the constant stream of propaganda put out by those who seek to gain more money and power works incredibly well.