Part 2: History of Remdesivir
So yesterday we covered the history of the drug, how it had failed multiple virus trials previously, and the compassionate care trial of 2020, FUNDED BY THE DRUG MAKER GILEAD, and that no viral reduction was found, nor was significant safety confirmed.
So what happened after that 53 person “compassionate care” trial in June 2020?
October 2020: Remdesivir magically became THE treatment option for covid. Remdesivir received FDA approval to treat covid patients AGE 12 AND UP, with a 5 day protocol of the medication. First, no pediatric trials were done to warrant treating kids with this medication. No viral load studies were done to show the drug reduced viral activity. And the previous trials were done for longer periods, so WHAT data did Gilead get that made them decide to only do 5 days of Remdesivir when the compassionate care trial was patients on 5-10 days of the med?
Important things to note from this article: “Remdesivir is an antiviral drug, meaning it is thought to work by lowering the amount of virus in the body. The drug has been shown to do so in laboratory studies and animals; however, it has not been proven to work that way in humans.” (Because the trial never measured viral load!). Also…”Remdesivir has not been shown to significantly lower the mortality rate of Covid-19. And recently, the World Health Organization released preliminary data showing that the drug did not benefit the very sickest Covid-19 patients.”
November 4th, 2020: CMS and the federal government approved a 20% increased payment to the ENTIRE hospital bill of a covid treated patient IF they were given Remdesivir and
November 21st, 2020: the WHO advises that Remdesivir should NOT be used in Covid-19 patients as “as there is no evidence it improves survival or reduces the need for mechanical ventilation”
Annnnnnnnd: European studies were showing severe renal consequences from Remdesivir.
On the November 21st, 2020 as well, This article is even more damning for using Remdesivir. “In light of the interim data from the WHO's "Solidarity" trial — which included data from more than 11,200 people in 30 countries — "remdesivir is now classified as a drug you should not use routinely in Covid-19 patients," the president of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Jozef Kesecioglu, stated”. “Gilead Sciences, which makes remdesivir, has questioned the WHO's findings. In in an emailed statement, the drugmaker said: "We are confident that doctors on the front lines recognize the clinical benefit of Veklury based on robust evidence from multiple randomized, controlled studies." (Of course they did. They stood to make millions/billions of dollars off this drug). Denver Physician Kesecioglu said “there was not enough data about when remdesivir might be effective or for which patients, leading to the decision to discourage its routine use in intensive care.” That means doctors should use remdesivir only occasionally, not as a standard treatment for Covid-19 patients.
On July 8th, 2021, the NIH released a huge report about Covid 19 treatment guidelines. It is over 300 pages long.
Here is what THEY have to say about Remdesivir:
Adverse effects: gastrointestinal issues, prolonged clotting time (makes your blood thinner and it takes longer to clot), liver issues, and kidney issues.
They went on to discuss that Remdesivir could NOT be given with Hydroxychloroquine (I wonder if that is why that drug was quickly whisked off the investigational table as they KNEW in spring 2020 it would not play nice with Remdesivir and of course the pricier Gilead drug would get preference as the money maker). Second, there was NO pregnant women studies done, so I would love to see statistics of whether or not pregnant women received this drug. And third. They authorized it for use in kids, with NO clinical trial or evidence to do so.
In January 2022, Remdesivir was approved for use outside of the hospital in patients with mild to moderate covid, including babies as weighing 3.5kg (7lbs) or more. There are no clinical studies cited that give any indication this has even been tested in a trial to be shown as safe. Outpatient administration all but guarantees no labs were drawn to look at liver, kidneys, or prothrombin time prior to administration as the August 2021 article indicated should be done.
Who advocated for the use of Remdesivir? Anthony Fauci. CDC. FDA. Who shut down ALL other meds for right to try/compassionate care? The same people and organizations. Who makes money off covid vaccines and Remdesivir? All of those same people. Follow the money, not what is best for a patient.