Part 1” The 1970’s plan to “destroy the nuclear family”: the CIA, Planned Parenthood, Rockefellers, and the US CIA, Military, and the World Bank
First at bat: we have the world bank documents.
They note that the decline in fertility has been going too slow, they need to reduce the number of children born, and they are relying on the governments to do this through “policy action”. They even encourage the government to accelerate the process and propose that every decade they delay reducing net production, the population would grow 15%. They want the birth rates to be = death rates. Replacement birth only, not excess. The areas of government that would tackle this are health, education, urbanization, and “ENHANCEMENT OF STATUS OF WOMEN”.
What happened in the 1970’s? Women’s liberation. Go out and get a job. Go to school! Get a career. Because women who work are less likely to have more children. We also introduced birth control and abortion to reduce pregnancy. Their GOAL was smaller families, and to alter the economic environment that promoted more children being born. Make smaller families the “new norm”. How do you do this? Inflation. Astronomical inflation rates. Look at the Carter era and the Reagan era. Interest rates were in the double digits. Expand education and make sure more WOMEN go to college. Increase earning opportunities in cities for low income groups. Focus in EQUITABLE distribution of income. Raise the status of women socially, politically, and economically. Career driven women will have no babies or fewer babies.
This paragraph is just sickening to write. Every feminist out there needs to read this. Many flew the flag of “anything men can do I can do too” which, ok, I get it. But the end goal was to turn women into non-parents, moms who worked and had fewer babies, and who delegated raising their kids to head start programs, before/after school care, daycare, babysitters, and the education system. Working moms see their children on average 3 hours per day for dinner/evening time together. It used to be more than double that when women were at home and not working. This allows the external focus of education and mind development of YOUR kids to be done by someone else. What else did this allow for? Abuse at daycare, children being molested, and other various dangers because others took care of kids while mom worked.
I am obviously a heavily educated woman. I spent 10 yeas in college. I do not have biological children, I have a step son. I am a product of their plan and goal. I did not have a family because I could not afford to have kids while going to school, nor did I have the time to be a good mom and a good student at the same time. I came from a home where my mom did not work until all 3 of us kids were in school. And she was self-employed so she could be home with us if we were sick or whatnot. She did not go work for someone else until we were all in upper elementary/middle school. We don’t see nearly as much of that these days, because economically they have made it very difficult. The thousand dollar iPhones, the 50 thousand dollar SUV, the 5 extracurricular activities your kids have to do to have a “good” college application, the price of getting a child to college age has gone over $300k. What none of us knew was that OUR WORLD DESIGNED IT TO BE THIS WAY. I realize now why birth control was heavily promoted in my high school health classes. Why planned parenthood strategically placed their abortion clinics where they did. All by design.
And it just seems to get worse.
I never particularly wanted kids. Not sure why, just me I guess.
I have a wonderful neighbor, in her mid-late 40s. She has 10 kids. She stays home and schools all if them there. Her husband works. Her kids are AĹL adorable, polite, curious about the world and respectful to others. They have poise and are comfortable in most situations. All kids contribute to the home as they can. When old enough all work. I cannot imagine any of them speaking a harsh word to their parents
The big difference in this family, they are Mennonites. While they function in society, they seem to have their own cocoon/group that protects them, helps when needed and acts as an extended family unit.
I have great respect for this family...IMO they are what I think families should be and how they should function. I feel honored that they allow me to be a friend to not only the grown ups but the kids too.
What’s heart wrenching is watching young girls and women March with hate in their hearts and eyes shouting “My Body, My Choice” while the oligarchs sit back and marvel in the work they set to achieve.