It is long past due for this post series to be written. This wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance of Jim, who has an incredible archive of information and data. He is worth the follow at :
Lets dive in!
Apostasy: “The beginning of true liberty is Jesus Christ. And therefore, the first and last target of all subversion is biblical faith. Hence it is that the Church has been the first target of infiltration and subversion; and is the most subverted institution in the United States today. “
~Dr. R.J. Rushdoony
Today, we are doing a brief discussion on the history of how the Christian faith was captured.
In the late 1800’s, selected American Theologians were sent overseas to study a different version of theological studies. They were sent to England and Germany for further studies and were coming back to the United States with a new found education that planted the seeds to change the moral and spiritual structure of Christianity. Who initiated this? The Rothchild family. (And probably others named Rockefeller and Morgan and Chase, but I digress). In 1885, Walter Rauschenbusch graduated from the Rochester Theological Seminary, a seminary known for indoctrinating their students in the Socialist tenets of humanism, which substituted faith in man in place of faith in God. He was also a known Marxist. In 1892 he went on to develop “The Brotherhood of the Kimgdom” to further promote their radical new humanism belief system. Rauschenbusch declared “If ever Socialism is to succeed, it cannot succeed in an irreligious country. It must start in the churches”. During this same time, in New York, Reverend F.D Huntington was founding the American branch of the Christian Socialist Movement. By 1900, the movement to capture Christian churches was underway. It is important to understand that 140 years ago, the plan had already been hatched and the education/indoctrination had already begun to change Christianity. The fabric to corrupt healthcare did not launch until 1910. Looking backwards, the original socialist ideology was indeed in education (seminary school) and the Christian faith. Talk about an eye opening moment here.
In February 1900, The National Federation of Churches (NFC) was created. Among the founders was a gentleman named Harry F. Ward. Many years later it would be exposed in House Committee testimony that Harry Ward was a Communist, and was known as the “Red Dean of the Communist Party in the Religious Field”. (Sounds like a swell dude.). In 1901, delegates from local churches met in Philadelphia and formed the National Federation of Churches. This would lead to one of the most radical transformations in American History, as the subversion of Christianity now had organization and a movement. In Chicago in 1902, during the National Convention of the Socialist Party, numerous NFC clergymen were in attendance. At this convention, a Committee on Correspondence was created, made up of radical ministers and laymen, which toured the nation’s seminaries and church offices to “spread their word”. In 1905, another Marxist group held a conference in New York, which would go on to influence the minds and actions of thousands of religious leaders. At this meeting there was a calling for the formation of the Federal Council of Churches, who we now know as the current day National Council of Churches.
In 1907, “big money” with “big names” entered the ring to contribute to the humanistic movement in Christianity. John D. Rockefeller financed the far left creation of the Methodist Federation for Social Service (on paper, the founder was Harry F. Ward but financed by Rockefeller). Ward ran this federation for the next 35 years, and the federation was staffed by numerous people with socialism and communist affiliations. Ward’s job was to educate new pastors/ministers, through a new seminary school curriculum, then place the new graduates with humanism training into churches across the country to preach their “version” of Christianity that they were ordered to do. The spread of this movement led to the 1908 official founding of the Federation Council of Churches of Christ in America. They voted to adopt the “social creed of the churches” written by Harry Ward. (FYI, that social creed required Nikolai Lenin’s approval prior to voting it into place.) Remember some very important words of Lenin: “Give me just one generation of youth and I’ll transform the whole world”. The foundation has been built, the building completed, and the educational curriculum established. Welcome to humanism Christianity.
In 1914, big corporate America became further involved with the Federation Council of Churches (FCC): Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie wanted to create a “pioneers for peace through religion” group, and ponied up $2 million dollars to create this group as part of the FCC. The focus of that group was to further spread the socialism agenda of the FCC.
Many consider the revolution of the Federation Council of Churches as a pivotal moment in the United States entering WWI and WWII. With the money handlers (Rockefeller and Carnegie), it would be of no surprise. Prior to WWI, the US avoided foreign conflict. Now, with industrial complex money funding the FCC, they suddenly faced a crossroads: on paper, the FCC is anti-war, but they are pro human. Therefore, they supported the big money donors wishes and backed the movement.
Many wealthy people who do not embrace Christianity went to great lengths to hijack the Christian faith. The hijacking and installation of humanism is still being taught and embraced to this day at seminary schools that crank out ministers and pastors affiliated with churches that are part of the modern day National Council of Churches, . If you belong to a church that is part of the current day National Council Church organization, your pastor is trained in humanism, and is teaching YOU to be a practicing humanist, not God centered Christianity.
This is a lot to swallow. I am taking this in small bits. We have to understand when and where this started to understand why we are where we are today.
Tomorrow, we will look at the post WWII era of this movement.
If you are curious about your church, and want to see if they are on the list, the link is below.
For a current list of NCC branches of faith, see
Dr. F is more than kind. I’m honored I could help. We are fortunate she is tackling this important topic. The international billionaires want to shape and deform our innermost natures to fit their liking, even in the most sacred dimension of our lives. Hold the line with Dr. Funtimes!!
Such a timely topic. Since the propaganda machine is ramping the Left up against the Religious Right, agenda 2025, and the threat of "Christian Nationalism" to Democracy we need to hear this entire story. I want to know more about seminary curricula and Marxist seminary professors. As in government schools, it all begins with who is educating the educators and to what purpose.