What you are seeing here is the complete collapse of science in the medical profession. It is simply beyond the beyonds to comprehend such a willfully blind departure from reality. I can scarcely believe it each and every time that I read such a ridiculous mandate such as this. I wonder if any of those doctors behind these mandates have any clue whatsoever that the jabs are worthless for preventing Covid or the spread of Covid and of the enormous harms and adverse side effects of these jabs or are have they become so captured by their corporations that they no longer have the backbone to stand up and say bullshit to this. Do they realize that these jabs suppress ones immune system and that with transplantation the immune system will be additionally suppressed making these recipients even more susceptible to infection? How can anyone ever trust them again after four years of lies and doubling down on lies. I am a doctor and I can't stand to be around them. I am happy that I can take care of myself and my family and, if push comes to shove, find someone who is like minded so that I don't have to listen to anymore of this crap that I have had to listen to for the past four years. This is worse than ground hog day because unlike the movie, I don't see a happy ending coming soon unless our profession grows a set and wakes up and gets back to real science not this horse shit that they spew.
Does this mean that only the thoroughly vaccinated can be organ donors? It must, if this isn't just a discriminator to eliminate the undesirable resistive individuals through denial of lifesaving medical treatment.
I am confused. Late in the last century, I was medically discharged from the US Air Force. I had been subject to World Wide Deployment at a moment's notice for 15 years so I was vaccinated to within an inch of my life. I was working on filling my 6th yellow vaccination record card. During my discharge physical the doctor looked over my many vaccination records and told me point blank that I should NEVER donate blood or organs. As he so bluntly put it: No one wants what you have in your blood and tissues. So the old inoculations were bad, but the experimental and unproven jab is good? Anybody buying that?
You know a lie is being told when the story keeps changing.
What you are seeing here is the complete collapse of science in the medical profession. It is simply beyond the beyonds to comprehend such a willfully blind departure from reality. I can scarcely believe it each and every time that I read such a ridiculous mandate such as this. I wonder if any of those doctors behind these mandates have any clue whatsoever that the jabs are worthless for preventing Covid or the spread of Covid and of the enormous harms and adverse side effects of these jabs or are have they become so captured by their corporations that they no longer have the backbone to stand up and say bullshit to this. Do they realize that these jabs suppress ones immune system and that with transplantation the immune system will be additionally suppressed making these recipients even more susceptible to infection? How can anyone ever trust them again after four years of lies and doubling down on lies. I am a doctor and I can't stand to be around them. I am happy that I can take care of myself and my family and, if push comes to shove, find someone who is like minded so that I don't have to listen to anymore of this crap that I have had to listen to for the past four years. This is worse than ground hog day because unlike the movie, I don't see a happy ending coming soon unless our profession grows a set and wakes up and gets back to real science not this horse shit that they spew.
Does this mean that only the thoroughly vaccinated can be organ donors? It must, if this isn't just a discriminator to eliminate the undesirable resistive individuals through denial of lifesaving medical treatment.
I am confused. Late in the last century, I was medically discharged from the US Air Force. I had been subject to World Wide Deployment at a moment's notice for 15 years so I was vaccinated to within an inch of my life. I was working on filling my 6th yellow vaccination record card. During my discharge physical the doctor looked over my many vaccination records and told me point blank that I should NEVER donate blood or organs. As he so bluntly put it: No one wants what you have in your blood and tissues. So the old inoculations were bad, but the experimental and unproven jab is good? Anybody buying that?
You know a lie is being told when the story keeps changing.