Enter stage left: the JN.1 covid “variant”. Wonder who deployed this one into the wild……
The fear of the JN.1 started spreading shortly before New Years. This variant is garnering headlines around the world that it can cause heart failure. What better way to deflect the vaccine excess mortality than to blame the new lab soup variant as the cause!
They truly want us to believe that the new variant is the cause of sudden heart failure. They think we are stupid. The uptake of the fall booster was poor, they need some fear to get more darts into arms. They allege that the JN.1 variant accounts for 48% of covid cases in the US right now.
Heads on swivels. They are going to throw the kitchen sink at us this year.
Why would any informed intelligent person believe anything the "health authorities" say about Covid? The heart hype is a psyop cover for the new waves of Mrna myocarditis and SADS in young persons as the many boosted with enhanced ADE get infected with the newest variants. Positive feedback.
They're going to throw the kitchen sink at us, for sure! And the stove, refrigerator, freezer, and dishwasher, too! I don't even want to leave my bedroom, let alone my house and not because of convid either.