On the topic of vaccines: How effective is the yearly flu-shot? You might be surprised!
In light of the CMS decision to mandate vaccines for healthcare workers, I reflected pretty heavily on that decision. And I realized that we, as healthcare workers, set ourselves up for this and didn’t even realize it. Back in 2012, many of the hospitals here in the Kansas City metro decided to make influenza vaccination required each winter for their staff. And ya know what? Most of us just willingly went along with it. What I realize now is that the hospital administration KNEW that, 9 years later, they could impose covid vaccine restrictions and mandates, and that a large percentage of their staff would willingly comply, because they willingly went along with the mandatory flu vaccine. However, those who chose not to flu vaccinate could get a religious exemption or medical exemption without issue, and they were not harassed and run through the grinder like they were with the covid vaccine. I would call the mandatory flu vaccine a “test run to gauge compliance”.
So I decided to look at flu vaccine statistics. Is the flu so dangerous we should mandate a vaccine for healthcare workers? Is covid? Do the vaccines work well enough to mandate a human being put something in their body or risk losing their job? Interesting data I found.
Here is the chart I found for influenza vaccinations, dating back to 2008 through present. Notice the large increase in flu vaccines given each year. What started the uptick? That was the same year that H1N1 swine flu came out. And that next flu season saw a large increase in flu vaccines administered. We have steadily increased our flu vaccination rates each year.
So going back even further. The yearly flu shots received since 1980. That is an IMPRESSIVE increase in vaccination from 1980 to 2021!!!!! We went from 10 million vaccines per year to 200 MILLION flu vaccines per year!!
So to evaluate the efficacy of the influenza vaccine, we have to compare it to the same measuring stick as the covid vaccine. It reduces death. Remember in 2021 when we were told that the covid vaccine would prevent you from DYING of covid? Heck, it was supposed to prevent you from catching the virus at all. Anyways……we are gonna go mortality rate as the measuring stick of “vaccine efficacy”.
Alex Berenson is on the same page I am with this one.
With all those flu vaccines we were giving out each year, I bet the flu deaths dropped big time, right?
Well…….no. They did not. In fact, the mortality rate stayed the same on average. From 1965 to present. When there was NO flu vaccine. Read that again. INFLUENZA MORTALITY RATES DID NOT CHANGE DESPITE 200 MILLION INFLUENZA VACCINES GOING INTO ARMS. In fact, one could compellingly argue that flu mortality increased pretty steadily on average from the mid 1990’s to current. Well, except for the two winters that covid was here. 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. I am not sure where the flu went for winter break these last 2 years. But it did not run a fraction of as rampant as usual.
Moving on.
The narrative for the last 16 months has been “get your covid vaccine”. Those who said no were told “it will save your life”. “Oh hey you get a flu shot its no big deal get the covid shot.”. HOW MANY PEOPLE argued that “well, flu shots are mandatory in healthcare and they save lives so what’s the big deal just go get your covid vaccine and save your live and others lives”. Except that line of thinking is not true. Influenza vaccines had zero effect on decreased mortality. As Alex stated quite well, the flu shot was the trial run at compliance. It was the vaccine that introduced the lingo of “vaccine hesitancy”. Why are people hesitant to get a flu shot? Because it does not effectively prevent you from dying. It actually makes zero difference. If you catch the flu with or without a vaccine, your odds of death are the same. Also……one could hypothesize that despite 200 million flu shots going into arms, it does a poor job of preventing influenza as well, given that each death was a flu case, that if the vaccine did as it was sold to do, they should not have had the flu, or gotten a mild case of it.
Is the narrative starting to line up here? Sound familiar to what we have been hearing lately? The whole “the vaccine will decrease your chance of getting “it”? Decrease your chance of “dying” from “it”? Do “it” to protect those around you? They used the same story, narration, and scare tactics for the covid vaccine as they did the flu shot. Except they went for the full half field Hail Mary pass with the covid vaccine. The flu shot is once a year. We are on shot #4 of covid vaccines in 16 months, and a 5th is already on the horizon. Are you asking the hard questions yet? Such as, why are booster #4 and potentially #5 the exact same covid vaccine from 16 months and 3 variants ago, that has already been shown to not prevent covid, you an still end up in the hospital, in the ICU, and could still die?
Shame on us in healthcare for willingly complying with mandatory flu shots to keep our jobs. We ended up shooting ourselves in the foot as we surrendered our decision making and body autonomy long before the covid vaccine ever came out. We should have stood up and said no 9 years ago. Shame on us for not looking further into mortality rates with influenza that CDC data easily reveals to us that mortality was never improved despite the vaccine. For covid or influenza. Shame on us.
But ask yourself this. How much money did pharma make off those 200 million flu shots per year? 🧐