This was submitted by a mom on X who was doing pre-op paperwork for an elective tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy for her kiddo. Have a look at the questions circled above. They wanted to know all the history about covid and vaccines and hospitalization and history of possible myocarditis. I don’t see that in the standard screening questions below, only history of heart murmur (which is not uncommon in kids, they usually grow out of it by age 18).
I also want to point you to the bottom section where it discusses excess bleeding/anemia/Jehovah Witness. Checking that box will give you religious exemption for any blood product to be given just FYI. I am not telling you to lie, but for those afraid of getting blood against their consent, this is the box people are checking to avoid that.
There may be a bit more involved regarding the abstinence of blood products...
For example: JW's have a CARD, and an advocate will arrive in person who sits with the family throughout the entire surgical procedures...
Also, with the elective procedures anyone is allowed to reserve/ save their blood prior to surgery...
However there is an entire procedure involved which I think needs begin 15 days prior to surgery...
Providing a Jumping point for others to research more fully....
The chickens are coming home to roost and the hospitals are being hoisted by their own petards.