This one is fresh off the press last week. This study looked at Troponin levels among hospital employees who had received a covid vaccine BOOSTER. Their Troponin levels were drawn 48-96 hours after the booster was given. What they found was scary.
The study had 777 participants, median age 37 years, and 69.5% women.
40 participants had elevated Troponin concentration on day 3 and mRNA-1273, and vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants. Twenty cases occurred in women, two in men.
In the overall booster cohort, Troponin concentrations were significantly higher compared to matched controls. Cases had comparable systemic reactogenicity. What conclusion did they draw from this?
mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men.
We had been told that elevated troponin was “rare”, “transient”, and “mostly in teenage/early adult aged males”. What did they inject the people who didn’t receive the booster with? Or did they just not get boosted period with anything?
We have questions. If a booster was able to raise Troponin, and far fewer people received a booster than the original two vaccines, what did cardiac status look like after those first two arm darts? We don’t know. We never bothered to look. The “slim to zero chance” of cardiac issues were a lie. Elevated Troponin = potential cardiac muscle damage, even in transient cases. Any cardiac patient has serial troponin lab draws every 1-4 hours when in the hospital during an acute situation. The study only ran from December 2021-February 2022, in one hospital, evaluating employees only. That is a narrow window of time. But we do know that it was the original vax jab booster not the omicron booster as it didn’t arrive until September 2022. What would this study hav looked like if we looked at patients as well?!
The evidence mounts by the day that the cardiac risk from these injections was so high, it should have been pulled from emergency use authorization by March 2021. Dr. McCullough has stated this for over 18 months. He stopped recommending covid vaccines to his patients after he saw cardiac issues in January and February 2021. How many of those individuals who had “transient” rise in Troponin ended up with myocarditis down the road? We don’t know. How many of them died? We don’t know.
I wondered today how many lives were saved by the 'stubbornness' of people who refused to bow to the pressure.
"The evidence mounts by the day that the cardiac risk from these injections was so high, it should have been pulled from emergency use authorization by March 2021. Dr. McCullough has stated this for over 18 months." 100% It's scientism, not science. Stay away from anything mRNA. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.