Moderna: the company that had NEVER brought a SINGLE product to the market prior to the covid vaccine.
Moderna is an interesting company. They were literally hemorrhaging money from private equity investors for years, as they were never able to bring a successful product to market. UNTIL the covid vaccine. My first question here is why would a company keep dumping money into a biotech research company that had multi-million dollar losses year over year starting in the mid 2010’s? Those kinds of companies go under. Unless you know what is coming in the future and you are going to land a really big payday.
Sadly, Moderna has not released ANY of the same clinical trial data that Pfizer has. We have zero data on what the outcomes or adverse events of this vaccine are, with zero ability to compare their trial or real time data to Pfizer data. That alone is scary. Because Moderna has already third vaccine boostered AND requested FDA approval to do a 4th booster on all ages 18+. So their dirty deeds done NOT dirt cheap have come out in other ways. VAERS data is helpful, but that data does not always breakdown Moderna versus Pfizer versus Astra Zeneca. Moderna is working REALLY hard to keep their data quiet and off the radar. So we have to look at other things not vaccine trial data related to discover what Moderna may be up to.
First, was the general public made aware that the Moderna vaccine was co-funded AND co-developed with the NIADH? Who runs the NIADH? Dr. Anthony Fauci. He made money telling the public to get this vaccine. When both companies have the financial interest in the success of the vaccine and make money off each dose given, heck yeah they are gonna tell you to get the vaccine! Moderna received millions of dollars in Operation Warp Speed money to produce a vaccine. They have been taking and making money off taxpayers this entire time. Remember back in 2017 when Dr. Fauci said that Donald Trump “would face a pandemic in his presidency”? How did he know that?
This is where stuff gets a little dark and shady. And you really have to go backwards to link the data. I will start with this. Covid 19 did not suddenly appear in December 2019. It has been on the patent radar screen since 2015-2016. Many years before we the public ever knew covid existed.
First, why do we have a patent to test for Covid 19 before we ever knew that covid 19 existed? This patent says December 2020. But look at the paragraph below in the photo. It is a continuation of a now abandoned patent that started in 2015. The patent here is concerning because it appears that various types of covid 19 testing and biometric screenings were initiated in 2016. You may be scratching your head here but lets take this to the next level of “what the heck”. How many of us knew that countries were importing covid 19 test kits in 2017? WHAT?!?!?! We had covid test kits already produced 2-3 years before covid supposedly jumped species between a bat and humans? We have a *possible* photo of box of Astra Zeneca covid vaccines from July of 2018. What was this doing in production in 2018? Test run? Stockpile? I say possible photo because I always believe photos can be edited and photoshopped. However, the the MSM did not pokerface this one well; in fact, screamed and yelled that the photo was disinformation and lies, so when they squawk that loudly in opposition, I tend to believe there is higher likelihood of that vaccine photo being truth than not. The Rothschild patent photo from 2016 below, shows that Great Britain was somehow collaborating here. Astra Zeneca was widely distributed in GB and Europe. This lends some credence to that Astra Zeneca vaccine photo in 2018. If Great Britain was collaborating, it is a higher suspicion that vaccine was in trials back in 2018. In addition, Moderna was a collaborator on that patent, and their vaccine was widely used in Europe and GB. There are more Moderna patents dating back to 2017-2018 for the technology in the Covid vaccine. They were clearly doing research on this prior to any of us having any knowledge of covid 19.
What else happened in 2016? Oh yeah, Moderna patented a polynucleotide chain under an oncology use designation. Seems innocent enough right? Working on a possible cancer treatment sounds legit and positive!
Whoops, maybe not so altruistic and positive. Turns out this patented polynucleotide chain was not actually used in a future oncology study. Scientists identified that this 2016 genetic code is IDENTICAL to the genetic sequence in the Sars COV-2 virus furin cleavage spike protein site. What does that mean? “Someone” in the Moderna lab took a genetic sequence that was patented in 2016, genetically modified a coronavirus by inserting that genetic code INTO a coronavirus, specifically at the furin cleavage spike protein site of the virus. The furin cleavage site is what infects cells in the human body with the coronavirus, in this case SARS COV-2. Analysis of the original Covid genome found the virus shares a sequence of 19 specific letters with a genetic section owned by Moderna, which has a total of 3,300 nucleotides. What are the odds of this occurring “naturally” in a zoonotic mutation in nature? 1 in 3 TRILLION. This did not occur by accident. Gain of function anyone? Bioweaponizing of a virus? This was done BY MODERNA? WHY? Three years before we had ever heard of covid?
Here is a link to the study that was done that found this chain of events by Moderna. Warning, it is research data heavy, not an easy read. But it is the evidence for this.
Here is the video of the CEO of Moderna discussing this with Fox Business. He was asked why one of their patented genetic sequences was found in the covid virus, and he chose to completely side-step the question and instead says out loud that the covid pandemic could be the result of “a human error lab leak”. But he will not answer why the nucleotide chain his company patented in 2016-2017 appeared on the covid 19 virus furin cleavage spike protein site. Or why it was a 1:3trillion chance that that could occur at random in nature.
So to tie all of this together before we mention this final portion. We have evidence of a nucleotide sequence made and patented by Moderna in 2016-2017. That same genetic sequence was found to be inserted into the coronavirus that we now know to be SARS COV-2 covid 19. There is a 1 in 3trillion chance this would happen organically in nature. We have patent evidence filed BY Moderna that show that covid vaccine technology development has been going on since 2017-2018. We know Moderna and the NIADH collaborated together on developing the Moderna vaccine. We know that when the CEO of Moderna is questioned about this genetic sequence in the furin cleavage spike protein site of the virus, he has no answers for why. We have a potential photo of an early developed covid 19 vaccine by Astra Zeneca in 2018, in collaboration with a patent with both Moderna and Rothechild’s name on it in 2016. For all intents and purposes, it looks highly likely and probable that Moderna had been up to some nasty stuff.
So here is the next piece of this story, that really ties the above information into a sordid hideous gift with a poison bow on the top of it. Why did Moderna and the NIADH have a collaboratively produced COVID VACCINE that they transferred to the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill back in December 2019? This was 2-3 weeks before we heard anything about covid in China, much less here in the United States. How would they even know to make a covid vaccine before the covid virus even jumped species from the bat in the wet market and infected a bunch of people in late December 2019 in Wuhan? One, the wet market story is 100% false. Two, the virus was created by gain of function not only by NIADH but also with collaboration with Moderna, as they created the genetic sequence that went into that gain of function virus. So now we have a company that not only helped create the virus, but also had the vaccine to “prevent” it? And that vaccine was already collaboratively created prior to December 2019, 2-3 weeks before ANYONE in the general public had even heard of covid? The photos are copyrighted by an individual but you can see the data. Remember the Ecohealth Alliance report debunking that any gain of function testing could have happened with the Covid virus? The prominent names that came out of that debunking of the lab leak was Dr. Ralph Baric, Dr. Peter Dazac, and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Well well well…….Good ol’ Ralph Baric’s signature is on this transfer form of the Moderna covid vaccine to UNC Chapel Hill, dated on 12-9-2019. Ralph Baric is a virologist and PhD that was performing the coronavirus gain of function research on coronaviruses at UNC before gain of function was banned in the United States, and that project was “allegedly” moved overseas. Allegedly. Did it really get moved overseas? All of it? Or was it shared overseas under a shell research grant at the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Did one of the Ukraine biolabs that we fund and own participate in the virus gain of function studies? At this point, it is safe to say we truly do NOT KNOW where that coronavirus gain of function was outsourced to with 100% certainty. Because remember here, gain of function studies are funded by NIADH. The same NIADH that collaborated with Moderna to make a vaccine. A vaccine for covid. A coronavirus. Coronaviruses were being studied by gain of function studies with funding approved by Dr. Fauci. This is not looking good here friends.
This is why I say that Moderna may be even dirtier than Pfizer. While Pfizer ignored the safety signals that should have pulled the vaccine off the market a year ago, from what I can gather, Pfizer did not appear to create the genetic code that was inserted into the spike protein furin cleavage site to CREATE the damn virus and make it highly infectious to humans! Moderna had their hands in the creation OF the virus, and already had their vaccine ready to go before covid was publicly announced as a virus. The day this vaccine was sent to UNC Chapel Hill, American’s were still blissfully unaware of how our lives were about to be turned upside down in the next 8-12 weeks. We were all enjoying the approaching holiday season, going about our normal daily lives, unaware that we were about to be attacked by a bioweapon.
The closing question I have here: If Moderna, who is based in Texas, created and patented the genetic sequence that went into the gain of function manipulation of a bat coronavirus via manipulation of the furin cleavage site to make this zoonotic bat species coronavirus spike protein pathogenic and infectious/deadly to humans…….did we, the United States, create this bioweapon? Did we fund it? Have we screamed CHINA WUHAN VIROLOGY LAB so long that we made the hugest error of all, and did not realize that we created this bioweapon ourselves? Or, at the very least, collaborated in the creation of it? For profit by a company (Moderna) that had NEVER produced a viable product to market before? A company that by all visual standards should have gone defunct years ago for failure to bring a single product to market? Was that the whole purpose OF MODERNA? To create this virus via genetic manipulation in collaboration with the NIADH in gain of function studies funded by the NIADH, to which Moderna and the NIADH would already know the perfect sequence to put INTO their vaccine for the 2021 vaccine roll out? Is that domestic terrorism if this bioweapon was initiated, created, or collaborated with on American Soil? Are we the bad guys here while we kept screaming out “blame China?” Was China involved? Was Ukraine biolabs involved? What about the total of 326 biolabs the United States owns across the world? Who all WAS involved here? I would hedge a bet that pieces of this were parceled out to numerous labs globally and not done in one location only. Absolutely terrifying.
This was a harder post to do, because this one required going off grid a lot to gather the data that the TNI has worked really hard to suppress. I can 100% promise that this is not all of the story, as there are gaps where you just cannot find secondary and third sources to verify all the info. I will give Moderna and NIADH credit here, they have worked very hard to keep nearly everything hidden and off the grid. I long for the day that the fragments have better connections and Moderna releases trial data of their own. Moderna has a lot of questions to answer.