Moderna has a new “omicron” booster approved for use in the UK and USA. So why is a US based CIA affiliated agency manufacturing the RNA for that vaccine?
Well this was an interesting read. First off, can we note that the recently approved for use in the UK “omicron” booster targets the BA1 version of Omicron. You know, the version of Omicron that effectively ended variant Delta, the same Omicron variant that ran rampant in December 2021-January 2022. Why would we create a booster for THAT version, when we have already been through Omicron BA 1, 2, 2.2, 2A, 4/5, and now allegedly ramping up for 2.75? What good is a booster from the omicron variant of a year ago? Just like what good is a covid vaccine with the wuhan strain? All genetic discussions of covid have shown that Omicron 1 was over in March 2022. Lord have mercy.
Second. From the article: “Described by UK officials as a “sharpened tool” in the nation’s continued vaccination campaign, the reformulated vaccine combines the previously approved COVID-19 vaccine with a “vaccine candidate” targeting the Omicron variant BA.1. That vaccine candidate has never been previously approved and has not been the subject of independent study. The MHRA approved the vaccine based on a single, incomplete human trial currently being conducted by Moderna. The company promoted incomplete data from that trial in company press releases in June and July. The study has yet to be published in a medical journal or peer reviewed. No concerns have been raised by any regulatory agency, including the MHRA, regarding Moderna’s past history of engaging in suspect and likely illegal activity in past product trials, including for its original COVID-19 vaccine.
The approval comes shortly before several Western countries, including the UK, plan to conduct a massive COVID-19 booster vaccination campaign this fall. Moderna has also noted that approval for its Omicron booster vaccine are pending in the US, EU, Australia and Canada – all of which are also planning fall vaccination campaigns focused on COVID-19. The company’s CEO, Stéphane Bancel, has called the reformulated vaccine “our lead candidate for a Fall 2022 booster.”
How would this vaccine NOT be a HARD PASS for anyone just after reading that portion of the article above? ZERO published data, an incomplete trial, and oh hey lets mingle two variant RNA types and throw it into the arms of millions of people and just like the first round of covid vaccines, we will just make the general public our “guinea pig clinical trial”. NOT A SMART IDEA KIDS.
But next in the article is equally as concerning. “Unlike Moderna’s original COVID-19 vaccine, the genetic material, or messenger RNA (mRNA), for this new vaccine, including the newly formulated genetic material meant to provide protection against the Omicron variant, is being manufactured, not by Moderna, but by a relatively new company that has received hardly any media attention, despite its overt links to US intelligence. Last September, it was quietly announced that a company called National Resilience (often referred to simply as Resilience) would begin manufacturing the mRNA for Moderna COVID-19 vaccine products. Under the terms of the multi-year agreement, “Resilience will produce mRNA for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at its facility in Mississauga, Ontario, for distribution worldwide.”
Ummmm, WHAT? A company linked to US Intelligence is going to make the new and improved Moderna RNA for their omicron booster? Who in their right mind trusts the US intelligence branches at this time? I trust them as much as I trust eating gas station sushi for dinner that sat for hours in a 140 degree car all afternoon.
But oh hey, it gets even worse!!!! National Resilience was founded relatively recently, in November 2020, and describes itself as “a manufacturing and technology company dedicated to broadening access to complex medicines and protecting biopharmaceutical supply chains against disruption.” It has since been building “a sustainable network of high-tech, end-to-end manufacturing solutions with the aim to ensure the medicines of today and tomorrow can be made quickly, safely, and at scale.” It furtherplans to “reinvent biomanufacturing” and “democratize access to medicines,” namely gene therapies, experimental vaccines and other “medicines of tomorrow.”
“The company initially marketed its manufacturing capabilities as “the Resilience platform”, and offers principally “RNA Modalities”, including RNA development for vaccines, gene editing and therapeutics; and “Virus Production”, including viral vectors, oncolytic viruses (i.e. a virus engineered to preferentially attack cancer cells), viruses for use in vaccine development and gene-edited viruses for unspecified purposes. It is worth noting that, to date, many controversial “gain-of-function” experiments have justified modifying viruses for the same purposes as described by National Resilience’s Virus Production capabilities. In addition, National Resilience offers product formulations and other modalities, such as biologics and cell therapies, to its clientele and the “Virus Production” of its website has since been removed.”
In April 2021, National Resilience acquired Ology Bioservices Inc., which had received a $37 million contract from the US military the previous November to develop an advanced anti-COVID-19 monoclonal antibody treatment. This acquisition also provided National Resilience with its first Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory and the ability to manufacture cell and gene therapies, live viral vaccines and vectors and oncolytic viruses. Despite being in the earliest stages of developing its “revolutionary” manufacturing capabilities, National Resilience entered into a partnership with the Government of Canada in July of last year. Per that agreement, the Canadian government plans to invest CAD 199.2 million (about $154.9 million) into National Resilience’s Ontario-based subsidiary, Resilience Biotechnologies Inc. Most of those funds are destined for use in expanding the Ontario facility that Resilience acquired last March and which is now manufacturing the mRNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 products. Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, asserted at the time that the investment would “build future pandemic preparedness” and help “to grow Canada’s life science ecosystem as an engine for our economic recovery.” More recently, in 2022, the company has announced a few new clients – Takeda, Opus Genetics and the US Department of Defense.
Well well well. Takeda is the manufacturer of other pharmaceuticals you may be aware of, such as Trintellix, an antidepressant. Takeda is also the pharma face of Moderna. But they have tried hard to keep that hush hush. The US Department of Defense is a client of National Resilience…….with a manufacturing plant in Canada? Hmmmm.
When you see that this company was created in November 2020, and its focus is experimental vaccines and gene therapies, that is a hard pass from me. Period.
Again, I never tell anyone to covid vaccinate or not covid vaccinate. I just report what I dig up about the vaccines and the concerns on the table. But I will take this a step further with this booster. Please please please think long and hard before getting this booster. Please research on your own, read the articles I have shared here, and truly make the best decision you can. I trust this booster vaccine zero. There is zero clinical studies published, Moderna outsourced it to a brand new company who willingly calls it experimental and gene therapy, that alone smells like Moderna does not want liability tied to them when this booster goes sideways. This whole thing stinks really bad.