Mass Formation Psychosis
I discussed in yesterdays post about the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), and why we have to understand what that program is to understand other things going on in our acquisition of information.
Today, enter into the ring, the great Mass Formation Psychosis. So recapping what the TNI is, it is the censorship and suppression of media content that the TNI does not want you to see. They only share the media content they want you exposed to 24/7. That initiative is where mass formation psychosis comes into play. When people are exposed 24/7 to the ongoing fear narrative, and what the TNI determined solution is to fix the problem, they are unable to see any other alternative than what has been sold to fix the fear driven media content. It has gone far enough that Psychiatry Times has considered a DSM classification category for “social psychopathologies” such as this. Mass formation psychosis is when people have free-floating anxiety, a sense of unreality, and are hypnotized by a leader in authority power, leading to a semi hypnotic state that leads them to believe what that leader says is 100% correct and they should do what the leader says they should do. Mass formation psychosis does not just stop with the leader though. It becomes an ingrained pattern of thinking, induced by anxiety and fear, and spills over into how you formulate ALL thoughts regarding a certain subject or content matter.
I am going to use covid vaccines as an example here. **Let me preface this by saying, whether or not you choose in the future or chose in the past to vaccinate for ANY personal or medical reason, that is yours and ONLY yours to make. I advocate for freedom of choice and that all humans should be allowed autonomy of their own body and person to make any healthcare decision.** How did mass formation psychosis happen with the covid vaccine? Remember, the TNI launched in 2019, with a mission to neutralize “anti vaccine content”. Then ironically, the pandemic started a few months later. We started with the March 2020 story of how deadly covid is. Stay home. Lock down. Save the elderly. People were afraid to leave their homes. We spent the better part of 10 months watching the news scare us to death! There was a real-time case ticker on CNN showing total cases, deaths, and we saw in real time those numbers go up. In 2020, you could not turn any media on without it discussing how deadly covid was. Dr. Fauci is the covid vaccine leader. He spent more hours on television telling people to get vaccinated than any other individual. All while the previous year he spent telling people how deadly covid was. See where the mass formation psychosis happened? Fear driven, anxious state, I could/will die if I get covid, and now this person is telling me there is a fix! A solution! I can get this vaccine and I will not catch covid, or go to the hospital or die of covid! (Yes, that WAS the narrative they said in spring 2020. We now know that is not true.). Which led to many people choosing to vaccinate for covid. Which again, that is 100% your choice to do. But was it REALLY your choice? Or had you been led to doing it from fear and trust in a leader such as Dr. Fauci? Someone who had been a government health advisor for 40 years, who was touted as working for EVERY president in the post Reagan era, someone who really knew their stuff. With what was presented to you, were you able to look at both sides of the coin to vaccinate or not vaccinate? How many people chose to vaccinate purely from the fear factor alone? Was there any competing information out there in the mainstream media about NOT vaccinating? No. The TNI initiative did it’s job by calling any information that called for concern about the vaccines as “disinformation, propaganda, false, lies” and removed it from all media sources.
And lets be real here, it was not just Dr. Fauci. It was the CDC, the White House, press secretary, NIH, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, Takeda…….everywhere you turned you were being told to get the vaccine. Joe Biden told America a few months ago that it would be a “long dark winter of death” if Americans did not go vaccinate. Dr. Fauci was just the original LEADER. How many of you had friends or family that told you “oh you must vaccinate or you could die!”. How many of you had a doctor that told you to vaccinate or you could die? How many of you have family or friends that refused to spend time with unvaccinated people, even for a holiday gathering? Would that convince someone to get vaccinated if they were hesitant to do so? “But there is no negative vaccine data out there, that is just a bunch of conspiracy theorists spreading disinformation”. See how that TNI and mass formation psychosis worked in perfect concert together? There will be a whole other discussion down the road on clinical trials of vaccinations, this is just the explanation of WHY fear and faith in a leader can result in a mass population making a choice because their brains were fed to go with that choice. There are plenty of other examples as well, one look at the Holocaust and what Hitler did in Germany is another great example of mass formation psychosis. Mass formation psychosis happens all the time, on small scale and large scale. It is how David Koresh kept his Branch Davidian compound following his lead. It is how Jerry Jones got his followers to “drink the koolaid”. Right now, we are seeing it on a grand large global scale with vaccinations. The implications of this have divided families, friends, and colleagues. We are a nation so heavily divided because of fear driven media. We have overstepped boundaries in interfering with the healthcare decisions of others. Do you see now how the TNI played a role in mass formation psychosis happening? When only one narrative is approved in media, what other mainstream information do you have? If you sit and watch the CNN case and death ticker, the NPR program promoting vaccinations as our “path out of the pandemic”, and the local nightly news telling you where to get your local covid vaccine to “save lives”, and you watch and listen to all of that day in and day out, all programmed to tell you THE SAME THING, the TNI was, by design, created to CAUSE mass formation psychosis!
I highly recommend the amazing book by Dr. Mark McDonald MD. It is called the “United States of Fear: How America fell victim to a mass delusional psychosis”. It is available in electronic and hard copy with most book sellers.
If you have not already watched it (50 million plus already have), I also highly recommend the Joe Rogan podcast on Spotify with Dr. Robert Malone. It is worth the 3 hour watch. You will be amazed at what he has to say.