Is it still a conspiracy theory that they are modifying weather to create these hurricanes?
The short answer is no. What started as a few brave people suggesting that weather modification existed led to patents being dug up proving that the government modified weather to now we are at oh hey here is the program that did it!
The above link is to a meteorological conference in 2010 with a TON of links regarding various weather stuff. Including…….hurricane modification. Here is the link to just THAT portion of the conference:
So lets play the what if game. What “if” they can (and do) modify the weather? What is the goal? Is it a land grab? To destroy property? To target areas and make them uninsurable so people move? To kill people? Why are the same areas facing 2 devastating hurricanes in a 2 week span of time?
In the world of modified weather: Why is the Midwest running 10+ degrees above normal right now? Why are the summer cicadas STILL singing in the evening?! Why have we had NO RAIN in many weeks? It is warm enough that I am not even wearing a jacket in the mornings yet. It is almost mid October. We are usually through our first 2 “cold ish” fronts by now, and it is in the low 80’s daily. It was 92 here last weekend! We have had snow as early as October 15th. Definitely NOT this year! There are no fall colors, the leaves are just drying up and dropping. We are the part of America that grows wheat, corn, soybeans. It is harvest season for corn and beans, and planting season for wheat. We are in a massive drought. Wheat needs a good drink of water really badly. Are they trying to destroy the food supply by making crops die? Cattle have no grass to graze, ponds are dry. People trying to grow hay feed for the winter cattle feeding are struggling. We look like the desert, not the lush crop growing Midwest!
What made hurricane Milton form in the gulf and move straight west to east? Don’t most hurricanes start off the coast of Africa? How did this one form west of Cancun??? Milton is breaking ALL the rules!
We have to start asking these questions as legitimate concerns and not just “tin foil hat conspiracy theories”. Because we know the patents exist, we know that the entire country has private contractors who do cloud seeding and weather modification (see my post in June 2024 about that). If they HAVE the technology, how do we know they ARE NOT using it? Then we have to ask WHY do they have the technology.
Here is a great link from Colorado about their weather modification program:
And another from california.
Oh yeah…..that website I shared about weather modification in June? The Government did a mass delete of most of the data from it this past week. Why? Because people are waking up to the reality that our weather is not organic and someone is messing with it.
Scary times. Praying for those affected by Milton. We now wait for their next weather anomaly to be released.
Malfeasant government operatives are spiritually immature micreants no more sophisticated than the 8 year old boy doesn’t know how “that window go broken by someone’s baseball”.
In 1977 the US signed with other nations a treaty forswearing weather modification as weaponry, after using same in the Viet Nam war to cause … wait for it … flooding.
In 1996 the US Air Force wrote a paper “Owning the Weather in 2025” which is now unclassified.
In 2001 US Representative Dennis Kucinich unsuccessfully introduced a bill to stop all efforts and uses of air space to alter natural events, mentioning chemtrails by name.
We don’t need to bow and scrape and feel embarrassed because we feel in our bones that something wrong is occurring. We need this federally funded criminal element to leave their cushy jobs a stop terrorizing the innocent taxpayers of our nation.
Alex Jones has been playing clips of interviews with different government officials talking about the ability to control the weather going back to the 1940s (first time they steered a hurricane). Banned.Video or look him up on X. And we have the exact same issue here in Texas. We had a beautiful July, one of the coolest on records, but since September we have been in the 90s, lows barely making it into the high 60s which as you mention for your area is very abnormal here too. No rain either and more geoengineering than usual. On top of all this we have had a bizarre plague of black crickets for the last few weeks. I can’t even explain how many have been all over our outside at night and I’m seeing them around our small town, in piles, dead. I was going to get out the blower to remove them but a giant toad showed up one night (saw when I took my dog outside) and the next day all the cricket bodies were gone. Biblical weirdness. Our trees have been in bad shape for years and now we get a freeze every February, since the big one here in 2021, that causes them all to break apart or fall down. And this is just the damage we see. Who knows what is happening to us breathing in what they are spraying at least multiple days a week. Every time they spray in the morning by mid afternoon the skies are covered in clouds. A lot of people aware of this have noted respiratory issues have become a lot more common. Infuriating that we can’t stop this insanity. Even TN passing a law basically came out and said they could not stop it.