As you can see above, the DEI/ESG nonsense went into warp speed overtime at the same time covid locked everyone down and was told to stay home and watch TV or else they would die or kill grandma.
Now? Woke goes broke, and people are tired of the DEI/ESG agenda. It has been a sharp decline since January 2022. Bud Light was a huge wake up call for a lot of companies. Notice the dramatic shift after Q2 2023 when that situation broke out.
You can feel change in the air. It might be slow, but you can feel it.
Keep up the pressure.
Any mere WHIFF of this DIE/ESG garbage used to sell ANYTHING you want to purchase STOP GIVING THE COMPANY MONEY.
Go Woke Go Broke should be a mantra for every American patriot. Put these corporate & other scum OUT of business. Vote with your wallet.
Did you see what is going on at UCLA with their Med School admissions? The fallout for these policies is going to be with us for a long time. People are sick of it and the consequence phase hasn’t even started yet.