This is a pre-print journal article that came out on May 2nd. They discuss that vaccinating a pregnant mother is useful to protect the immature immune system of a fetus. Notice in the bottom corner this is a “Chan Zuckerberg Initiative” supported article. That is questionable at best.
Anywho, diving into their investigation. They readily admit that we do not know the benefits of vaccinating a mother during pregnancy for any illness, and we do not know how the maternal-fetal system exchanges antibodies. They decided to examine the maternal/fetal cord blood after delivery. They examined cord blood of moms who were infected with covid during pregnancy, received the covid vaccine during pregnancy, or who had both been vaccinated and caught covid.
They studied this at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. They had 19 women who had received the vaccine during pregnancy but never caught covid. They had 22 women who were infected with covid during pregnancy but were not vaccinated. Another 28 women were studied who were both vaccinated during pregnancy and caught covid. (Let those numbers sink in. More women had the vax and covid than the other 2 groups but ok sure the vaccine is 100% needed. Not.). This study was done in 2021, where over 11,000 births occurred at this hospital. Line 110-111 in this paper are biggies. They noted that when they challenged the cord blood against the original covid of 2020, the cord blood had higher neutralizing agents for the original wuhan strand BUT HAD NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FOR DELTA AND OMICRON. We can all agree here that the original version of covid was no longer circulating by spring 2021. Delta took over by July 2021.
Next up, they studied maternal blood antibodies compared to the infant cord blood. What they found here was very interesting. The effector cells that determine IgG antibodies were LOWER in mom’s blood compared to the fetal cord blood. “Highest transfer was noted after infection with the lowest maternal response and the lowest transfer after VACCINATION and inducing the highest maternal response was from INFECTION. TRANSFER OF ANTIBODIES ACROSS THE PLACENTA is based on nature of the antibody function and maternal levels. Let’s break that down for a minute. They found differing results in cord blood versus mom’s blood. They found that the IgG antibodies were lower in moms blood compared to the cord blood sampled. But they also noted that cord blood IgG transfer was HIGHER after infection with covid and LOWER after vaccination. They noted in placenta transfer it is dependent on MOM blood levels, not the cord blood levels of antibodies. In this battle round, infection won the day versus the vaccine for the ability of antibody transfer to the fetus.
Remember back in December we discussed IgG 1/2/3/4 antibody types? And how we want IgG1 or 3 for a good robust immune response to illness, and how IgG4 immune responses are primarily allergy types of reactions? IgG4 is what kicks into gear when allergies to dust/spring/everything outside right now cause a histamine response. It is NOT designed to help us when sick with a virus or bacteria. The study we looked at in December revealed that post vaccine, people were losing IgG 1/3 antibodies and had increasing IgG4 antibodies. This is no bueno. This study looked at antibody levels as well. Example A is cord blood. Example B is mom blood. Look at he IgG4 responses in both mom AND baby cord blood……..
Take a look at table C cord blood and table D maternal blood. Have a look at the infection only. IgG1 is super robust. Notice the IgG4 creeping up in maternal blood in the vaccine group, but not the infected only group for the 3 variants of “covid”. The IgG4 was nearly identical in mom and baby blood in the A and B tables. There is also compelling evidence that the vaccine did poorly for IgG response compared to vaccine.
Take home message: Vaccines were not needed in pregnant women. Throughout the paper they determined that 6 month immunity was “not entirely known” and they only compared 6 months because at the 6 month age mark, the infant could be vaccinated for covid. Scary thought. Remember who helped fund this study. Chan Zuckerberg. They of course promoted vaccination but the data does not really support vaccination being superior to infection at transfer of antibodies.
The gene-therapy shots were not needed by anyone. Mathew Crawford's analysis shows that any illusion of so-called efficacy is exclusively the healthy-user bias. He also shows that the shots are a war on the weak, a eugenics program. "Remember who helped fund this study. Chan Zuckerberg. They of course promoted vaccination but the data does not really support vaccination being superior to infection at transfer of antibodies." Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News Substack has correctly identified Zuckerberg as a war criminal. Recently, a true Hawaiian friend ( in the bloodline of King Kamehameha ) had to leave his job because of a resting heart rate of 125 - from the shot. There is no vaccine; there are gene-therapy transfection shots that kill and injure people in many, many ways. May there be peace on earth.
Thank you for sharing this Jennifer 🙏