This is an important one to discuss.
We are seeing more and more cases of cognitive decline and it is happening in people younger than you would expect. So the question is why?
This article touches on part of it…..but per mainstream media it doesn’t discuss ALL of it. They also ignore the causes of cognitive decline that many have been exposed to over the last few years.
Inflammation is horrible for the body. It leads to oxidative stress which taxes our elimination systems and damages our mitochondria. If we cannot eliminate gross stuff through our lymph systems/liver/etc, and our cellular mitochondria cannot function properly to make energy, the body will deteriorate. So what causes this inflammation?
Seed oils, VOC’s, pesticides, chemicals in our food, and junk in the medications and vaccines we take. In a fascinating book about vaccine dangers by Tim O’Shea, he discusses the highly elevated risk for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s being tied to having 5 influenza vaccines or more between the ages of 55 and 65.
What do we do to reduce inflammation? Choose your foods wisely. Home grow what you can. Visit farmers markets. Buy local sourced foods when possible. Avoid chemicals where you can. Grounding is very important, and only requires you to walk barefoot in the grass, sand, dirt, or even concrete for 30 minutes per day. We have grounding mats and blankets that can be purchased. Turmeric is a fantastic anti-inflammatory supplement. There is some newer evidence that Lithium Orotate (purchased online over the counter, NOT the high dose prescription version) helps reduce brain inflammation and prevent cognitive dysfunction just by taking it in doses as small as 1mg per day. Dr. Nehls had a fantastic discussion with Tucker Carlson about this.
Do what you can NOW to keep your brain health later. Or to stop the progression of brain issues now.
When I grew up in the 70s/80s we only had a few vaccines, we ate most meals at home as a family, and there were maybe one or two fat or overweight kids in the entire grade. We also spent all day long playing outside until the church bells went off at 6 pm indicating we needed to go home for dinner. Today when I pass the schools all I see are overweight and obese kids, many are inactive, they don’t have all the PE classes any more and these kids go home and stare at a computer. Not to mention all the problems with the food today and the dozens of vaccines they get. And the schools feed many kids breakfast and lunch, which mostly are processed high carbohydrate meals. I’m glad Trump finally brought up the health of the children in this nation. Unfortunately there is so much money in big food and big pharma even when they try to reform the donors come in and demand they back off. That is how you end up with tomato sauce a vegetable that allows processed pizza to stay in schools etc.
'Back to the Basics' is a great mantra.
Having grown up in the Northern San Joaquin Valley where just about every food is grown, I know what eating well looks like.
Now I live on Rocky Top, where most food is imported, ironically, from the West Coast.
We've had 100 years of being brainwashed by the medical profession and ad agencies to believe in better living through chemicals.
Remember when "After 99 years, the other guy blinked"?
That's when sugar was eliminated and chemicals went mainstream into sodas, or pop, or cokes, whatever you want to call it.
Remember when the wackos got McDonalds to do away with animal fat in their fryers?
Worst move in history, and peoples' guts are suffering for it.
We now wear shoes everywhere and are not grounded.
We eat food which is not marketed for nutritional value, but for size and color and are getting fatter because of it.
We live in cities instead of on farms.
We play electronic games instead of physical games.
For me, I know and remember the tastes of the old growth foods and sorely miss them (I'm 67).
We're fighting a government which believes the new ways are always better and allows questionable products to be ingested and calls them "safe".
But my body feels much better when it is fed properly.
Keep preaching.
It took a long time to get here.
The change will come slowly at first.