In the ultimate “whoa”, they are already TELLING us the flu shot isn’t working……they usually wait til spring to announce this! 😂
“Effectiveness is on a downward trend”
THEIR words…..and it is only October!
Of course, despite the lack of efficacy, the WHO is still recommending we all go out and get our arm darted with this complete fallacy of a vaccine.
I seriously cannot believe they published this while the flu vaccine “push season” is still in full swing. Makes me wonder what the motive is here. Cover their butts when tons of people get super sick this winter from “other things”? There is a motive here…..we just don’t know what it is yet. We will know soon enough.
You know what to do…….do not roll up your sleeves for this nonsense unnecessary ineffective (as it is every year) shot. 🥳
Lying liars lie.
All the time.
Government, judiciary, media, "health experts", "trusted institutions".
Leave me completely the F alone and we'll get on just fine.
You know someone is telling you a lie when the story keeps changing. At a recent VA medical appointment I was offered a flu shot. I asked what the flu shot was supposed to do for me. The medical professional flat out said it would keep the flu from killing me. It was then I unleashed the statistics on them. The percentage of people who get the shot continues to increase, but the percentage of fatalities from the flu stay the same. I refused the flu shot. Then the story changed. Without skipping a beat I was told it would keep me from GETTING the flu at all. I know this is not true. So I refused the shot and the rest of my appointment was curt and perfunctory. I don't know if the medical professional wanted me dead when I entered the room, but they were leaning that way by the time I left.