In the newest JAMA study: are portal messages or text messages more effective at getting more people to get their flu shot?
This is priceless. JAMA published a study investigating the Fall/Winter 2022-2023 flu vaccines, and if the rates of vaccines would go up if they started texting patients to come get their flu shot instead of just having a patient portal message to remind them. I guess the CVS phone line reminding you that covid and flu shots are now available just wasn’t enough of a reminder already.
So, they looked at the number of patients that were given portal messages to come get their flu shot, and then at the number of patients who were sent a text message to come get their flu shots.
The results? ZERO IMPROVEMENT in flu shot uptake. Text or portal message didn’t matter. Damn that makes me proud. People are waking up and just saying no, despite the methods used to coerce them. Keep it up kids…..way to think for yourself and just say no! ❤️
Texting me something like that will get your a$$ blocked.
'they' cannot imagine that the people (plebs) have discovered that the entire 'safe and effective' mantra is false. My family are done with all of them and ditto for our pets.