In New Zealand, the number of chest pain visits to the ER jumped from 2,000 per year prior to covid shots up to 30,000 per year
This article speaks for itself.
On an anecdotal front, I had the opportunity to talk to a cardiology healthcare professional last week who confirmed that the incidence of myocarditis, pericarditis, and endocarditis are “off the charts” in their clinic. It is a rare moment to get that kind of truth out of someone.
If the doctors/cardiologists are quietly advising never to get another "vaccine", how long until the Titanic actually moves?
We've seen this tactic used in books and movies for years: the big bad bully squashes the underdog who thinks he is all alone and begins a crusade. Every good play has three parts: The Setup; The Confrontation; The Resolution.
We've lived in The Setup our entire lives.
2020, in this country began The Confrontation where The Setup was exposed permanently.
The Resolution is coming. Like a tree falling in the forest, it will be slow at first, then fast.
Covid brought it into the light.
Now, we are in the aftermath.
It's still slow. We're already beyond critical.
I would state the ending will be spectacular, but that view is only given by observers on the outside.
We are not on the outside.