Just in case anyone really wants to know what they do to people over age 65, here is your answer.
They have decided YOU need a TURBO flu shot. It has 4 times the antigen of a flu vaccine given to people under age 65.
If you ever doubted that they are trying to harm you, look no further. They are giving you more covid boosters than any other age group, high dose flu shots, RSV and shingles and pneumococcal, and what does that all do to an older persons body? Well, it ensures that Medicare, Social Security, and a work pension don’t have to pay for you as long. Because it all ends up cutting your life short.
More evidence they really do want us dead.
2 more of my good friends in their 60's passed away in the last few weeks. Turbo brain cancers... Another friend was down 2 weeks after Walmart talked him into getting two shots at the same time - one flu, the other RSV vaccine, he had to go to the doctor and he prescribed prednisone for 2 weeks to counteract the inflammation cause by these shots. I believe the RSV vaccine was mRNA-- People are not learning, because we have such a lying media and government.