I wanted to have a closer look at what the pandemic did to 2020 voter registration. The numbers are not pretty. Here is the first 6 months of 2020. I have questions. All of you should too.
January 2020:
170,351 attempted voter registrations
52,624 attempts were NOT matched
1,101 attempts were deceased.
Honorable mention:
Illinois had 12-13,000 attempted registrations each week
Arizona, California, & Florida, : HALF of registrations were unmatchable
Alabama had the MOST dead people registering (332 deceased people registering to vote)
Missouri had the 2nd most dead people registering (167)
Illinois had the 3rd most dead people registering (149)
Extra Credit: Idaho had 106 dead people registering.
Photos of the monthly data (I excluded week 1 of January, it was not statistically relevant due to holiday season).
February 2020:
532,975 attempted voter registrations
177,186 attempts were NOT matched
1,839 attempts were deceased
Honorable mention:
California has 20-30,000 attempted registrations each week
Illinois is holding strong at 12-20,000 attempts each week
New York looks like a swamp: they had 63,989 people attempt to register to vote in February 2020, and 47,715 of them were NOT A MATCH.
Alabama is super questionable. 6,525 registration attempts, 937 of them were NOT MATCHES, and 406 were deceased people.
Idaho: 454 dead people attempting to register?
Missouri: 288 deceased people attempting to register.
Nevada: just as bad as/worse than New York. 14,936 registration attempts, and 12,509 were NOT MATCHED.
Photos of February 2020 data:
March 2020
555,313 total voter registration attempts
145,519 registration attempts NOT MATCHED
1,167 registration attempts were DECEASED
Ok so this month got really interesting. This is the month that lockdown happened in the middle of the month. So how did national weekly voter registration attempts go UP from 99,975 the first week of March to 239,124 attempts the LAST week of March? Everyone was locked down at home that week!!!!
Honorable mention:
Something VERY weird happened in Texas.
Week 1: 2,263 attempts to register
Week 2: 11,751 attempts to register
Week 3: 64,809 attempts to register
Week 4: 190,376 attempts to register
How in the HELL did the registration attempts go UP in Texas when every government agency was closed during lockdown??? Oh, they also had 70,958 registration attempts that were NOT A MATCH.
Alabama AGAIN had the most deceased registration attempts at 352. Missouri was in 2nd place with 160.
New Jersey had 80 deceased registration attempts the week of March 27th. Someone trying to sneak in a registration during the “alleged covid death escalation”?
Illinois continued to have 13-14,000 registration attempts per week.
Nevada continued to have a 50% rejection of application rate, where half of their applicants were NOT MATCHED.
March photos:
April 2020
948,107 total voter registration attempts
242,517 total registration attempts NOT MATCHED
2,327 total registration attempts were DECEASED.
OK, this is where you really have to start asking what the hell is going on. The entire month of April was spent in lockdown for the entire country. Yet we had almost ONE MILLION people attempt to register to vote? Where? How? Well, most of those attempts came from ONE STATE.
Honorable mention:
Texas, you are again off the charts in registering voters.
801,220 registration attempts were from TEXAS ALONE. 212,828 of those attempts could NOT be matched. Only 3 of those applications were from deceased people.
Alabama again wins for most deceased people applications at 628 applications. Other states with high levels of deceased people registering to vote each week in April:
Missouri: 580
Idaho: 415
Also of interest is the number of states with ZERO voter registration activity in the month of April. Those states were Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia. (Is it easier to hide fraud down the road when they can blame it on backlogs from being closed?)
April photos:
May 2020
**there is a week of data missing this month, week of May 9th.
1,051,431 voter registration attempts
268, 523 voter registrations that did NOT MATCH
7,705 voter registrations were DECEASED
The people registering keeps climbing, despite a week of missing data AND continued lockdown for most of the country.
Honorable Mention:
Texas again is off the charts.
796,968 attempted voter registrations
211,088 registrations that were NOT A MATCH
0 were deceased people trying to register.
Doesn’t this make you question if Texas is really trending “purple”? It sure makes me ask that question. I realize a lot of people relocated to Texas, but not this early in the pandemic. Florida should have seen similar numbers as tons of people went there as well, and their numbers are nowhere in the ballpark of Texas. Getting a new drivers license and registering to vote aren’t “usually” the top priority when you relocate during a “pandemic” and everything is shut down.
WHOA KANSAS! You are starting to smell really funky this month! I know for a FACT they were still locked down during May! And no, we had not had a huge wave of covid that killed people at this point. But look at THESE numbers…
25,436 new voter registration attempts
5,869 were NOT A MATCH
5,376 of the registration attempts were DEAD!!!
*No, the numbers are not inflated due to being locked down for a month. On average, Kansas was registering 60-80 people per week from January 2020 thru lockdown.
States that were closed down and not doing any registration business: Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.
May photos:
June 2020
1,285,289 voter registration attempts
347,986 registration attempts could NOT BE VERIFIED
10,106 registration attempts were DECEASED
Numbers keep climbing!!
Honorable mention:
911,686 voter registration attempts
240,564 registration attempts did NOT MATCH.
2 registration attempts were DECEASED.
The continued massive numbers in Texas continue to raise flags.
What the hell KANSAS?
43,879 voter registration attempts
9,468 registrations came back NO MATCH
7,365 registrations came back DECEASED.
Kansas has a population of 2.9 million people total. Between May and June, the numbers do not match up at all prior to covid lockdown. Something super shady was going down. We are supposed to believe that 43 THOUSAND new voters applied in June 2020 alone? After 25 THOUSAND new voters applied in May 2020? A primarily rural state with declining rural population? Yeahhhh, no. Kansas was getting the same or more weekly voter applications than California, the most populous state in the union.
Alaska is on the radar screen now too. As the top 5 LEAST populated state, with less than 800,000 residents, we are supposed to believe that they had 2,885 new voter applications in one month? 933 of those applications were NON MATCHES? And 38 of those applicants were DECEASED?
Nevada had a super shady month. They had a sudden influx of 100,647 applications the week of June 6th. But had 2100 total applications the remaining weeks in June? And 60,371 of those total applications were NO MATCHES? And 1429 of the total applications were DECEASED? And no, they were not locked down and closed in May so that doesn’t account for a sudden 1 week influx.
Missouri applications dropped into the 8-9,000 per week, with a total of 165 applications being deceased, and 4,381 applications being NO MATCHES.
States that were still closed and not reporting: Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.
June photos:
Tomorrow will be July-December 2020 data.
All data above is available at the Social Security Administration data link that was posted on Friday April 5th.
Thank you!
Free and Fair = Safe and Effective