How to fix the broken healthcare system
Steve is one of the fiercest fighters out there for human rights in healthcare. He has worked tirelessly during covid to uncover what the corrupt government has done. He has compiled a list of “how do we fix broken healthcare”. I am sharing his list below, with a couple of additions.
My list of ways to restore trust in the medical system by Steve:
We should eliminate the liability protection for vaccine manufacturers and people who give the shot. After all, they have ASSURED us it is safe and effective. So what should they be afraid of? AMEN. I would add, there is no liability protection for ANY medication they put on the market. They should know and trust any product before it is given to the mass population. Period.
Severe consequences for any medical personnel who fail to report adverse events to the VAERS system. Boy, would that change things.
Independent review panels staffed by people who have been critical of the COVID vaccines (i.e., were on the side of science). I would say have both sides present for this, because differing opinions should always be allowed, but you better “bring the sauce” to back up your stance. Majority wins the decision.
EUAs that are only granted if the drug has equal to or better safety and efficacy than solutions that are available. There should be an appeal available to an outside body with no conflicts if the FDA either improperly denies an EUA or issues an EUA. Right now, there is no accountability. I would add that private sector should independently trial and review ANY EUA medication, not just the CDC/NIH/Pharma companies. That would stop much fraud.
EUAs should be automatically revoked once the drug is approved (instead of this “infinitely long” EUA which allows the drug maker to escape liability)
A means for public accountability for FDA, CDC, public health, and outside committee members who can currently duck all legitimate attempts by credible scientists to challenge them. I would vote we eliminate all of those agencies and start over. The corruption is so deep at this point, that is a “burn it down and rebuild”.
A VAERS system which is run by an independent agency and adopts the ESP:VAERS improvements. The VAERS team is solely tasked with identifying safety signals and assessing probable causality.
Immediate full transparency of all documents for any drug getting EUA or full approval. AMEN. The drug company, private sector testing, independent researchers……if all their trial data lines up, then we know it is safer than trusting the pharma company to not fraud the trial.
A replacement for state medical board disciplinary processes as these organizations are today the judge, jury, and executioner and there is no appeal. Simply allowing appeals in a court of law would be a huge step forward. Those appeals should result in $1M fines to the medical boards (paid to the physician) if the case is reversed.
Punishment for Facebook and other social media companies who discriminate against vaccine injured people by deleting their posts and groups. Someone who is injured by a medical intervention approved by the government should be a “protected class.”
No more mandates by local, state, federal and private companies. YES. And any state government mandate must be decided by a peoples vote, not a board of 7 people.
Informed consents that must be signed and that truly capture the risks. The drug companies shall be held liable if this list omits any risks. The risks should be quantified.
Adherence to the Nuremberg Code
Fauci needs to be fired. There should never be an individual in government with as much power over budgets and advice as he has had. Especially since he doesn’t allow anyone to publicly challenge what he says.
There needs to be regular public forums where qualified people can engage in a dialog with the authorities. The lack of peer accountability has enabled all this to happen.
End the silencing of physicians by medical boards, hospitals, social media companies. There is something seriously wrong with a society who needs to silence free speech. For example, one of the world’s top medical institutions silenced one of their top doctors (who had been telling the truth) and further made the physician sign a confidentiality agreement about the silencing. Why doesn’t the press simply ask the top 10 US medical schools who did this. It would be interesting to see how many schools admit to doing this. I can guarantee you at least one school on this top 10 list has done this and I can prove it. I’d be willing to bet anyone $10M I’m right. Any takers?
We need to investigate how the NIH didn’t recommend a single repurposed drug or supplement for use against COVID. That is ridiculous. Heads need to roll here and people must be held accountable. Fluvoxamine and ivermectin have peer-reviewed meta-analysis and systematic reviews supporting their use and the NIH is neutral. Seriously? Either evidence-based medicine is completely broken or the NIH committee is corrupt. The latter seems more likely.
Pharmacists shouldn’t be denying prescriptions of ivermectin without clear and compelling evidence. Any pharmacist denying such live saving meds should be investigated and have their license revoked. I will take this one step further. We need to go back and revamp the state pharmacist laws. Pharmacists should no longer be vaccination givers, rapid test givers, or have any legal right to deny filling ANY medication for a patient. Medical orders are medical orders, period. The state laws that opened up pharmacists to “extra task” legalities helped create the disaster we are in. Pharmacies should not be provider offices either. Obliterate the minute clinics in pharmacy chains. Healthcare should not happen in a pharmacy. That starts to be a little quid pro quo.
There needs to be accountability for state medical boards who are going after physicians for writing vaccine exemptions, mask exemptions, and ivermectin prescriptions. There is clear evidence the boards are wrong and no board will allow themselves to be held accountable for their wrong decisions. This is broken and needs to be fixed. I will take it forward further and say that the state medical boards should be abolished and it should become a board of medical professionals elected BY the people. Vote them in on a ballot just as we do our senators and school board members. Divide states into regions. Each region is represented by an MD, APRN, PA, and RN at the BARE minimum. No more separate representation based on specialty. One board governs healthcare in each state. No more fragmented boards that cover various specialties.
Today, hospitals are rewarded if they follow the CDC/NIH treatment protocol: they escape all liability and get lots of money for doing the intervention. What if the incentives were reversed: that hospitals were rewarded for every COVID patient that they save? And give them the flexibility to have doctors use their judgment. What will happen is that instead of a static protocol that kills people, we’d quickly find protocols that save everyone’s life. Paul Marik would turn into the most popular man in America instead of someone that people ignore and censor.
My additions to his list:
The monopoly in states by MD’s needs to end. The king of the hill mentality creates a monopoly in healthcare that creates worse patient outcomes. All MD’s, APRN’s, and PA’s should do the same residency program and come out to practice on an equal playing field.
Pharma needs to stop funding physicians to speak on behalf of their drugs. Pay for play needs to end. Pharma needs to burn.
Anything created under the name Rockefeller needs to just go in the dumpster
Health insurance needs to be burned down. They cost the industry and patients a fortune. They should not be allowed to decide care for a patient.