Keep in mind, these articles still lean to the angle of the vaccines are “good”. But they are starting to lose a little of the pro-vaccine bias. And they certainly are coming out more in favor of “oh hey the MRNA vaccines might have been more of a problem than we realized”.
Here in graph number 1, we look at overall mortality. It is significantly higher in the MRNA group versus the adenovirus vaccines (J&J). There were significantly less covid 19 deaths in the adenovirus group compared to the MRNA group. But wowsers, look at that cardiovascular death! Remember when they tanked the J&J from the clot risks but pushed the MRNA vaccines hard core? I am in no way suggesting that the J&J was safe, as there were reports of clots that were lethal. But it certainly was a good distraction to make people lean towards the MRNA vaccine. For the record, I support NONE of these vaccines, MRNA or adenovirus vaccines. Also interesting here is the non accident non covid deaths (think “sudden coincidences” here), there was a significant difference in the MRNA “sudden coincidences” than the adenovirus J&J type “sudden coincidences”.
The conclusion is compelling:
Interesting that the narrative here is beginning to shift. Is this the beginning of “well you had the choice between 3 brands and sorry you chose wrong?” To be continued.
Dr Brown: thank you for continuing to educate people (who will listen) about the insanity of the last 3 years. Keep up the good work!!
When I looked at Table 1, I couldn't stop focusing on the fact that there were 5 out of 37,083 Covid deaths in the placebo group for the combined vaccines. That's without even looking at age or underlying conditions or comparing which RR was higher than the other.
For a disease with a mortality rate of 0.013% we locked old people up, closed down schools, isolated kids to the point of insanity, ended careers, spent billions on PPE, created enormous rifts in families and friendships ... was it really necessary to take such extreme measures, or could we have protected those who were truly vulnerable with smart targeted interventions?