This is a must read by Dr. Bridle. Thank you to a life long friend for sharing this one with me, I had missed it when it was posted. It is a profound wake up call in Canada.
Here is also the link to the pre-print paper he is referencing in his post.
I chuckled a bit when I read the part where Dr. Bridle asks for honest comment regarding "informed consent". No such thing happened in my experience. The Veterans Administration used coercion, pure and simple. I was not told anything ABOUT the injection. What I was told were the consequences of refusing the injection. Those included an immediate loss of all benefits. A ban from VA medical treatment to include being cut off from the pharmacy services. The requirement to "re-apply" for benefits with the reassurance that it would take up to 5 years for such a re-application to be processed. And the best part: The VA would take legal action to "recover" all benefits paid in the the past. To sum it all up, the VA threatened to shove Veterans out in the cold, by themselves, with all benefits stripped from them, and hounded by lawyers and collection agencies (like the IRS) for all past payments. I heard this from two separate VA divisions. The person threatening me read it from a printed script in both cases. It was not an isolated phenomenon. Does that count as "informed consent"?
See below
Documents for the purchase of DeathVaxx from Pfzer by South Africa show Pfizer provided
No Proof Of Efficacy
No Proof Of Adverse Events/Reactions
No Long Term Damage
So who buys a load of untested crap & then terrorizes the population into accepting the same Death Jab that was deliberately not tested because that would have revealed the full horror of what they were jabbing everyone with.
I read somewhere yesterday that a man was injected with shards of glass classed as contamination & suffered a raft of horrific injuries as a result & is now sueing.
Simian Murine Virus 40 aka Cancer promoter & Self assembling Nano Tech also found in DeathVaxx.
These jabs were made to kill, some ppl heeded the warnings from the start & now the rest are beginning to finally catch up, too late for many unfortunately