Of course the direct link to his speech is blocked from being shared on here. Use the above link and scroll down, and the Harrison Butker commencement speech is a couple rows down.
Harrison is getting a ton of backlash for his pro-life/pro-family Catholic belief speech at a Catholic college commencement ceremony at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS. I don’t disagree with what he had to say.
Harrison Butker has been a devout Catholic his entire life. He refused the covid vaccine due to fetal cell line tissues in the vaccines, he has spoken out about pro family beliefs many times. After he won the Super Bowl this past winter, he spent a week at a Monastery for a week of silence, reflection, and consternation.
The entire regime is up in arms about his speech. They have forgotten about the freedom of speech from the first amendment. Some are calling for him to be cut from the team. (Nevermind that his kicking abilities won more games than people want to admit).
Worth the 20 minute watch.
That was simply amazing! How could anyone in this country disagree with anything he said? I hope the graduates took in his message & remember it as they go forth on their journey. They need to hear more of this. It helps break the mass formation indoctrination of societal degradation purposely being inflicted on us all. Especially our young people. God bless this young man! Thanks for sharing! I am sharing it with everyone I know. 🙏🏽
I got on FB last night and bailed after 20 minutes of utter despair - granted not a representative sample, only g-d knows why FB shows you what they show you in their feed. But the Butker commencement address seemed to be ever other entry on my timeline. The vast majority of the stories NOT the actual speech, but instead some BS clickbait story telling readers what to think and totally lacking the complete context. I started with pushback and then just threw up my hands. The reality is that our culture is too far gone when the horde can pull up tons of manufactured outrage over a commencement address when there are SO MANY other issues with which genuine outrage IS legit. But hey, lets not focus our ire on the rampant tyranny of the administrative state, the dumpster fire that is our educational system, the influence of big pharma, the corruption in our justice system and so on, and instead direct our ire at an NFL kicker nailing one through the uprights.