If you did not already know, the Brunson case was denied yesterday.
The Brunson Brothers posted this as a reply to what happened with their denial:
That is the updates as of now. We wait to see what the appeal process looks like. I think they were prepared for a denial, and have an appeal plan ready to go. I would guess it will be 30-60 days before we hear how that goes.
Onward to Tuesday and today’s post!
We all saw the insurance companies announce the excess mortality in 2021, especially in quarter 3-4 of 2021. So what happened in 2022?
In the discussion between Steve Kirsch, Ed Dowd, and Josh Stirling, a senior research analyst for insurance company Stanford C. Bernstein & Co, we are at a 15% higher excess mortality in 2022 than we were in 2021. Among the people who took EVERY covid vaccine recommended to them (5 total injections), their excess mortality is 28-35% higher in 2022 versus 2021.
Holy schnikes.
“Each dose of the Covid-19 injection, according to Josh’s chart, is associated with about a 7% increase in mortality on average. And overall, highly-vaccinated regions saw a 15% higher 2022 mortality rate than 2021. He explains, “If we went down the slope (the red dotted line), you can see that if we were at zero doses, we would have something like 14% lower deaths [than 2021]. But if you go one step further. Thank goodness everybody didn’t take the vaccine! Because you can see that these things are anchored at around 200 doses per [100] persons. Well, we were supposed to take 400 — or 500 if you’re over 50. And so actually, if you just do the math on this, if we had followed the CDC’s advice, instead of having a 14 or 15% higher mortality, we would probably have [around] a 28 or 35% higher mortality rate, right now!”
This is some of the first evidence we have that number of injections does play a role in excess mortality. The more you get, the higher chance of death. If anyone was still on the fence at this point, do not booster again!
The remedies they're seeking are kind of untenable. Not surprising.
It’s ironic the insurance industry provides the most objective and irrefutable data that these deadly “vaccines” don’t work, and cause more disability and death to people under 60 than covid causes. The insurance industry has its own history of suppressing truth, withholding reimbursements unethically, and contributing to the ruin of the US health care industry. So its poetic justice that their blind adherence to profit leads to them providing the best ammunition against these toxins.