Did the Federal Government/HHS pay big tech to report certain commercials and information?
Did the Federal Government pay the mainstream media to promote covid vaccines?
So lets back up just a bit. The last couple of days we discussed the Trusted News Initiative, which is a compilation of all of the SIX mainstream media content owners that decide what information they want us to see each day. However, that content that the news shares, even when decided by the TNI, is not “free”. As in, it costs dollars (billions) to bring media content to the millions of viewers in our population.
After reading about the TNI, some of you may have thought, “well, even if the TNI TOLD them to tell us certain information, couldn’t they have decided on a local level to tell us what they wanted to, couldn’t they have “bucked the system” and decided that something didn’t smell right? That maybe what they were told to tell the public was not right?” What better way to ensure compliance than through the almighty dollar. You pay them!
It was not easy to find documentation that mainstream media had been paid by the government to tell the public one narrative and one narrative only. In fact, the Federal Government did not disclose what they had done in the “pay for play” media of the TNI. An independent news outlet, The Blaze, submitted a FOIA request of government records and that is what revealed the information that yes, the Biden administration did pay the big media corporations to only show POSITIVE advertising for covid vaccinations, to heavily advertise the vaccinations via any media platform available, and paid to NOT advertise any negative information about covid vaccines. https://www.theblaze.com/news/review-the-federal-government-paid-media-companies-to-advertise-for-the-vaccines
One BILLION dollars was appropriated by the Health and Human Services (HHS), in the federal government, to buy advertising dollars that only shared positive information about the covid vaccine. Companies such as “ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations.”
One Billion advertising dollars. Those are tax payer funded through CARES spending packages during covid. We paid for this.
Emerald Robinson, a former journalist at Newsmax wrote an amazing Substack article about the “pay for play” advertising dollars spent to promote covid vaccines. I highly recommend you read her detailed post. It should be noted here that Emerald Robinson was terminated FROM Newsmax due to her desire to discuss both sides of the vaccine issue (pro and con’s) and when she tried to do so, her station let her go. That speaks volumes in and of itself. Fired for wanting to do her journalistic duty? Presenting an unbiased partisan view of the covid vaccine? The TNI prevented that from happening, and Newsmax was a recipient of HHS cash to only report the vaccine positives.
To summarize all of the content from the week so far: The TNI was created to direct us towards specific media content and to censor any media content they do not want the public to see. When we are completely saturated with only one set of information, placed in a state of fear, anxiety, and a set of information and data repeated over and over by those we trust to protect us, mass formation psychosis forms. Which by default, leads to divisions among our population between those who fully buy into the mainstream narrative, and those who ask questions and have doubts. Those who doubt are labeled “misinformation, conspiracy theorists, liars, etc”. The cherry on the sundae was that not only did taxpayers fund the TNI, but the taxpayers also funded the HHS to pay for the TNI narrative regarding vaccines and treatment of covid. Is that double dipping? Might be. TNI is funded by pharma, and pharma funds TNI…sooooo, how much money did pharma make from the billion dollar investment from the HHS to promote vaccines on mainstream media sources?
When you understand this chain of events……..the puzzle pieces of many other things start to line up and you begin to question so many things we have been told and are told every day via the mainstream media.
Tomorrow, we will launch into what else the TNI made sure you have not heard about. The excess mortality in our country that began in 2021, and continues into 2022. And hint……it’s not excess deaths due to covid.