Covid vaccines are now linked to prion disease, AKA Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease, or Mad Cow disease
This is one of those times when you started seeing data a year ago that you just flat out hoped was wrong. Patients developing sudden onset prion like diseases after covid vaccination. Prion diseases are serious, deadly, and absolutely devastating for not only the patient, but the family watching the sudden mental deterioration and eventual death of their loved one. Prion disease is a rare disease. We usually see 1-1.5 cases per million people each year. This is not something we expect to see a lot of cases of. Many healthcare providers never see a case of prion disease in their career.
It is important to note that this paper is studying 26 cases of CJD, with onset of symptoms on average 11 days post covid vaccine. This was related to Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zeneca vaccines. The first Wuhan “variant” of the Chinese Virus contains a prion region in its spike protein that was also used to develop the things they are calling “vaccines.” And once injected into a person, these prion region-containing spike proteins interact with human cells, causing disease.
Prion disease can occur in humans, cattle, (mad cow disease) and sheep.
In a second step, we prove the disappearance of the possible Prion function in
the last Omicron variant while this function is highlighted in the Wuhan parent
strain, but also in ALL the other variants and in ALL the "injection vaccines"
Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) This translates to Omicron is not causing prion dysfunction, but the previous “variants” and vaccines are.
They were looking for possible Prion functions in 25 Spike proteins of strains, variants or vaccines. In France alone, more than 50 spontaneous cases of prion disease occurred after vaccine. This paper evaluated just 26 of those cases. It was shown that amino acid chains in the Wuhan & Delta variant spike proteins, along with the 3 major vaccine spike proteins, had the propensity to lead to sudden development of prion disease. We all have prions in our brain, but it takes a triggering event or amino acid for the prions to organize in a fatal and dangerous way. This triggering event with rare and sudden manifestation of symptoms was the covid vaccine. This research paper shows that the vaccine spike proteins do indeed have the amino acid chain required to turn a normal prion into a dangerous one. Mutations to the prion protein gene are the cause of vaccine induced prion disease.
To fully understand the magnitude of developing prion disease in 11 days, one has to understand how prion disease usually manifests over a period of years. It is much like the progression of dementia. A slow, steady, painful to watch decline in someone. It is not sudden onset. With prion disease, the amino acids that express in the prions go to work destroying brain matter and tissue. The end result is death.
How many other cases of prion disease have happened that we do not know about? And if there is ANY connection to covid vaccines and prion disease, how is that death dart still being administered?!
I'd love to find a working link to the Researchgate article you cited above.
That one no longer works.
My mother died if CJD, she started experiencing symptoms about 2 weeks after her 2nd booster. She passed away with 2 months.