Canada has suggested that residents who refuse vaccines need mental health treatment, and forget about getting a medical exemption.
This is highly concerning. This practice advisory discusses how providers should handle patients who request a medical exemption for vaccines, or who refuse to get a covid vaccine.
Here they outline in detail that the only circumstances for a “medical exemption” are having an anaphylactic reaction to a previous covid vaccine “that cannot be mitigated”, or myo/pericarditis from a covid vaccine.
Stop and think about that: the only way they will give you a medical exemption is if your previous anaphylaxis wasn’t “bad enough” that the ER/Hospital couldn’t treat it. Go ahead kids, get another one. If you stop breathing from the booster we will treat you for it. No problemo. Or, if you have permanently damaged your heart we won’t force another vaccine into you.
What is the shining example of massive problems here? They do not list ANY other medical issue that is worthy of a medical exemption. Reaction to other non MRNA vaccines? Sorry, no med exemption. History of autoimmune disease? Nope. History of other cardiac issues and strokes? Sorry, no med exemption. Trying to have a baby? Forget it, no exemption. All of the good “stay in line soldiers” that work in healthcare use this trash memo as their duck and cover to say no to any patient who asks for medical exemption. This has been going on the entire duration of the pandemic. When mandatory vaccines said they would allow a medical or religious exemption, I told my patients go for religious exemption because NOONE will grant you a medical exemption. I tried to send valid and concerning medical exemptions in for 4 people and all were denied. If a provider IS willing to write one, the “good stewards of medical tyranny” will deny the request.
Then we have this concern:
They are suggesting that people who refuse the vaccine for whatever reason should be sent to PSYCHIATRY to treat their “anti-vaccine” stance! Oh hey, offer them some therapy and throw them a Prozac to just “get over it”. We should not empower their anxiety by giving them an exemption?!?!? WHAT????
My specialty is psychiatry. And let me tell you this. ZERO PATIENTS that I treat are unvaccinated due to mental health issues. ZERO. It isn’t needle phobia or anxiety over medications. They are unvaccinated because they do not trust the vaccine, they saw someone have a deadly side effect to it, they don’t believe in government overreach, etc. That is not abnormal thinking nor is it a psych illness. That is simply autonomy of choice. I would dare to say that the mental faculties of someone who stood strong and did not get vaccinated are more intact than the ones who have blindly trusted the television telling them to get 5 pokes in the arm. When patients tell me they are not vaccinated and I ask them why, I get the same answer each time. They were rushed, limited testing, no trial data, new technology I don’t trust, etc. I agree with them! That is not mental illness. That is just informed.
I would estimate 80% of my patients are vaccinated at least 2 times for covid. The number who went for booster 3-4-5 are much smaller numbers. If I had a dollar for every 2x vaccinated patient who said they would not do it again if given the chance, I could go on vacation. I had a patient in my office a few weeks ago who has had a myriad of health issues since their 2 vaccines and stated “I had no plans to get this vaccine but my job made it impossible, they denied my exemption requests, so I got them and I am so pissed I did”. As we discussed what had happened to them I divulged that I was not vaccinated and I hate the coercion and threats they used to vaccinate people. They said what others have said: “I am so jealous, I am angry every single day that I got conned into this”.
So yay Canada, call those people mentally ill. Because every other tactic you tried didn’t work, so claiming they are mentally ill for refusing the vaccine is the next trick in the bag. Disgusting.
Thanks for a very informative post! "I would dare to say that the mental faculties of someone who stood strong and did not get vaccinated are more intact than the ones who have blindly trusted the television telling them to get 5 pokes in the arm." - exactly. The innocent people who were coerced to get the shot ( there was and is no informed consent ) were tricked and persuaded via propaganda techniques, all enabled and promoted by our "leaders". People who possess and use critical-thinking skills and who do not believe in groupthink ( communism/marxism = stupidity & ignorance ) are ostracized and kicked to the curb. In the case of doctors, I believe the new ratio is 98% / 2% >> "doctors" / doctors - I reserve the title, doctor, for critically-thinking, caring people like Dr. McCoulough, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Ryan Cole and other heroes. The book, "Live Not By Lies", written by Rod Dreher a couple of years ago, was spot-on - many people living in this country with links to communism in the previous century saw it coming. We are busy building parallel societies right now. Thanks for continuing to post the truth. May God bless you and continue to guide you. Peace.
The current Canadian push for "voluntary" assisted suicide for the "mentally ill" probably plays into this too.
If they can't eugenicize you with the shots, the next step is to proclaim you deranged and put you in line for the suicide booth.