We have discussed what the SV40 virus is, how it originally infected humans via the polio vaccine in the 1950’s-60’s, and the SV40 promoter in the Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines. The end-cap on this deep dive is this article.
Pay special attention to the section “epidemiology of of SV40 infection in humans”
It has been assumed that the primary mode of transmission of SV40 to humans was either via the polio vaccine, or from monkeys to humans through direct contact with Rhesus monkeys in tropical climates. However, in this study, it is noted that “Soon it was shown that children vaccinated with contaminated oral polio vaccines (OPV) shed infectious SV40 in stools for at least 5 weeks after vaccination”. I wonder what happened when changing diapers or helping a toddler/young child clean up after a bowel movement? Would the adult be exposed to the SV40 shedding? What would be the mode of shedding transmission? Through the skin? Oral? Inhalation?
To add further curiosity: SV40 human contamination occurred in experimental infection with live respiratory syncytial virus to adult volunteers and a neutralizing antibody response in about two thirds of the volunteers was shown. Inactivated vaccines against adenoviruses and hepatitis A virus also exposed humans to SV40. Whoa what? RSV “experimental” infections led to SV40 contamination? Are they saying that the adenovirus and Hep A vaccines had/have SV40 in them as well? Do you all remember what the virus was used to create the J&J “non mRNA vaccine”? Well well, it was the adenovirus. I wonder if any SV40 promoters were in that adenovirus used for that covid shot?
Some of you asked about why did it take so long to show cancer if SV40 was removed from the polio vaccine in the 1960’s. Well, the above shows that there were other vaccines that did indeed contain it long after the polio virus vaccine stopped using SV40, so there were other exposure routes. This study found other interesting results. Additional serologic studies reported a SV40 seropositivity in individuals with no history of immunization with contaminated polio vaccine or other possible route of SV40 infection. “They detected antibodies to SV40 in children born after 1964, when the polio virus was free of SV40, as well as in people born before 1954. These studies suggest that humans may become infected by SV40 independently from poliovirus vaccine exposure.
“SV40 DNA sequences have been detected in normal and neoplastic (cancer) tissues of people either too young (1 to 30 years) or too old (60 to 85 years) to have been vaccinated with SV40-contaminated anti-polio vaccines. This finding may also explain the lack of difference in cancer incidence between individuals vaccinated with SV40-contaminated and SV40-free anti-polio vaccines. SV40 sequences and Tag were detected in blood and sperm specimens from normal individuals and oncologic patients and in lymphoblastoid cells. These results suggest that PBMCs could be a reservoir and vehicle of SV40 spreading in the tissues of the host and among the individuals. SV40 sequences were found in urine and stoole samples, from children and adults indicating that the haematic (blood), sexual and orofecal routes of transmission are likely to be responsible for SV40 horizontal infection in humans. Infectious SV40 was rescued by transfection of permissive CV-1 monkey cells with the DNA of an SV40-positive human choroid plexus carcinoma, one blood and one HPV-infected normal vulvar tissue samples. Finally, specific antibodies to SV40 capsid antigens have recently been found in human sera.”
“The site of SV40 latent infection in humans is unknown. Detection of SV40 in human kidney and urine points to the kidney as a site of virus latency, like in the natural monkey host.”
This opens up a ton of questions. A few points I ponder here (with no literature support, just random thoughts in my brain): interesting that the kidney appears to be a possible site for the virus to remain dormant and latent until it decides to create havoc. How many people have had renal issues due to covid treatment Remdesivir? I wonder if there is any connection there? Did Remdesivir make SV40 come out of dormancy? Does it somehow interact with SV40 in a way that causes people to become so sick and die when given that med? If SV40 can be spread via blood, urine, stool samples, and sexual routes, then anyone with SV40 vaccines (polio, adenovirus, Hepatitis A, Pfizer and Moderna) can shed via those routes to other people. Can it be spread via blood transfusion? We have worried about the spike proteins in blood donations but now I have to ask if the SV40 promoter is also being spread in blood transfusions? Highly suspect. What if the agenda was worse than just the spike protein? What if the goal was to get SV40 into everyone and hence the cancer rates would just blow sky high? Again, these are just thoughts I entertain. I have no evidence for this whatsoever, but I also have no evidence saying it is not true.
Buckle up friends.
I recall reading recently about the p53 gene pathway being suppressed/damaged by the mRNA vaccines. Searching SV40 I found a site explaining how SV40 interacts with p53. Is the SV40 what is impairing the p53? Should we just all assume exposure and try to live a life style to boost p53? Repairing p53 is in a lot of the articles discussing their upcoming cancer vaccines. It sounds crazy but it is as if they are purposely. creating a problem to see if they can solve it. When I was looking up boosting p53 naturally it seems to come down to a clean healthy diet focused on certain super foods and vitamins. I can’t believe how many young people have or die of cancer. And now there are stories of teens dying the same day they are diagnosed.
“The p53 gene and the retinoblastoma (Rb) gene are tumor suppressor genes. They promote cell-cycle arrest (stop cells from dividing) when the cells are injured or damaged. Their ability to function properly is critical because their respective proteins stop the formation of tumors. The major SV40 oncoprotein is the Large tumor antigen (Tag). Tag binds to and inactivates cellular p53 and Rb. Therefore, the presence of SV40 stops these tumor suppressor genes from doing their job.”
Thank you Jennifer. Great series of articles. I will continue to avoid all things "doctor" and "healthcare" - the answers are certainly not in anything big pharma offers. Have a great day. Peace. :-)