In the lovely state of California, they take their covid shots real seriously. If you don’t get all of them, you are on the naughty list. People wonder why more healthcare providers didn’t speak up. Well, in California, this is why.
This physician documented that the deaths of 3 patients were due to the covid vaccine. He encouraged people to not get boosters. The hospital he worked for did not like that, so they reported him to the state board, and mandated that he have a psychiatric evaluation. He refused to submit to their psych eval and ridiculous attempts to call him crazy and strip him of ability to practice. Because we all know how that would have gone. One of the “hospital mandated” psychiatrists would have given that psych eval to him, and put in there whatever his handlers I mean executives wanted him to determine. They would have used that to take away the physician’s license. We see this all the time in disability hearings. One of the government “psychiatrists” do an evaluation and the things they report to deny disability is criminal.
Now they are trying to punish him as he goes before an administrative law review board to decide if he gets to keep his license or not.
Hoping rational minds prevail.
a warning to others is their message
For four years, California has ignored all of the serious events caused by the Covid shots. It will not go well for him. I would recommend that he share with them the numbers of people nationwide who have received 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 or more shots. Ask them how many shots Fauci says he received. Ask them how many they have received.