This is a doozy. Guess what?! The vaccinated are dying at a much faster rate from covid than the unvaccinated. This is even a mainstream media article!!!
In August of 2021, about 18.9% of COVID-19 deaths occurred among the vaccinated. Six months later, in February 2022, that proportional percent of deaths had increased to more than 40%. Oh really! But wait. I thought the vaccines were supposed to prevent death?
This blurb was interesting: “Experts said the increase in breakthrough deaths is expected with more Americans reaching full vaccination status.” Um, what? Again, I go back to the official narrative in spring 2021. If you were vaccinated you were not going to end up in the hospital and die. THAT is what they sold. If the vaccine does not prevent you from dying of covid, then why exactly are we getting it?!?!?! Smells like the failure of the flu shot from preventing deaths.
This paragraph was also interesting. “To date, more than 220 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, 100 million of whom have received their first COVID-19 booster. However, about 91.5 million eligible Americans — about half of those currently eligible — have yet to receive their first booster shot.” This data is not accurate. The CDC themselves have announced that 76 million Americans have not received a covid vaccine at all, and another 96 million people received 1 covid vaccine and never got another one. So if our population is 330 million, its mathematically impossible for 220 million people to be fully vaccinated. Because we know that 152 million people either did not get any vaccines or only one vaccine. That is HALF of the population! They inflate the numbers to make it LOOK like 2/3 of the population got the vaccine. But they certainly did not!
The deal here is this. The vaccine does not work as they said it was supposed to. It is really time to stop selling the vaccine as the savior to covid. It is not. The trusted news initiative lets some truth out to “normalize” vaccinated people dying of covid to make it seem like no big deal, go get your 3rd/4th/5th booster and it will be ok. Except we know it is not. I have shared plenty of data over the last 2 months to know that this ABC article is a bunch of horse crap, and an attempt to make these people dying of covid normal. I would love to see updated death in unvaccinated people stats. We already know the triple vaccinated are testing positive far more than unvaccinated people are. By that logic, more of the vaccinated are probably dying than the unvaccinated are.
How will they spin this next?
I love that they can segue from "40% of deaths are in the vaccinated" - to
"unvaccinated people were about 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19 and seven times more likely to require hospitalization".......