News began leaking out earlier in the week about the “respiratory illness” in “China” that is “targeting children”.
Hmmmm. Where have we seen this before? Remember the pandemic simulation they ran earlier this year that was slated for 2025, a respiratory viral illness dubbed SEERS that targets mostly children and young adults? Well, this is starting to sound a little too familiar to that pandemic simulation. What lab deployed virus is this? Is this another DOD funded project? Interesting that it keeps targeting China first. I trust the WHO about as much as I trust a 3 year old to stay home alone without a babysitter.
The timing is eerily similar to covid 19, deployed in the winter, concurrent to flu season, the winter before an election.
Use discernment, do not fall for the fear propaganda, and keep your head on a swivel.
They are going after both children and dogs this time. A "novel pathogen" is thought to be responsible for a mysterious new respiratory canine illness that is spreading across the United States.
People with dogs are isolating themselves and their pets to protect them from the illness. Veterinary, boarding and rescue facilities are shutting down to avoid spread of the disease. People walking dogs cross the street to avoid other people with dogs. Fauci notoriously hated dogs and used them in gruesome experiments so this may be more of his handiwork.
Is there an election around the corner again?