It is sadly pretty self explanatory. Aside from Africa, we hit a birth rate so low, that more people die than are born to replace them with.
Expect this to speed up more as vaccines destroy the fertility rates of childbearing women. Heartbreaking for a woman who wants nothing more than to become a mom.
Growing up in the 1960s, a decade we "survived", in the sphere of influence of San Francisco, I saw and heard the feminists and the "free lovers" extolling freedom without responsibility.
This lie has continued to perpetuate.
It's nothing new, but, with the creation of the "First World" where people have the ability to survive or even get rich by inspecting their navels, the worship of the narcissistic self has expanded.
Naturally, the worship of self necessitates the jettisoning of baggage, notably children either through abortion, sacrifice or abandonment.
This worship now encompasses vaccines, jabs and the food supply whereas formerly it was simply 'the pill'.
Unlike the horror of Thalidomide, which thankfully was never approved in the US or I might have been affected, this abomination has only begun to manifest.
I am certain there are a few scientists who have observed the appalling results, but they are far below the surface of general knowledge. The only way I see this trench work ever making it to the surface of awareness, is if one of these scientists had access to a feed, and if you've ever watched the movie or lived in "flyover" country, you know just how secretive these research facilities are (I realize not all of them are in flyover country, but it makes my point).
Oh, God, I pray I'm wrong, but He tells us to question and search for Truth using His Word and the Holy Spirit as guides.
The evidence is pointing towards darkness.
Yep, great news for the coastal elites and WEF types. They have worked hard to kill so many and prevent so many others from reproducing. I mean, killing babies is the top issue the dems are running on. Society is so stupid and brainwashed, they really think it is a God given right to kill our most defenseless. Imagine 100 years ago if somebody said, "I think I will run for office based solely on a person's right to kill their defenseless baby." They would be institutionalized. Now, in today's modern society it is mainstream and the billions of dead babies is just the norm. If you think I am exaggerating about killing billions of defenseless babies ... look it up. We are at 1.5 billion and counting. How fucked up is this society?