Fascinating video by Glenn Greenwald. For the “full Monty” check him out! https://rumble.com/vx2iq7-the-white-houses-game-playing-denials-of-bio-labs-in-ukraine.html All credit of sources here goes to Glenn Greenwald.
Yes. The United States has “bioweapon/research” facilities in the Ukraine. We have government documentation of this.
There are many pages of documentation showing the United States Department of Defense did indeed fund these labs. The above is just one example. China “called us out” on March 8th, 2022, and again at the UN security meeting on March 11th.
How did we get here? In 1972, we entered into a treaty agreement upon which forbids the countries in the treaty from developing biological weapons for nefarious and dangerous reasons, but you can possess biological agents to study, and to create vaccines. During the Clinton administration, we started to get “sloppy”. While biological “warfare” studies were heavily conducted, the upper management of our country, AKA the White House, was not aware of exactly what was being done. We were conducting studies on agents, most notably Anthrax, and we were not necessarily within the rules of the treaty. Which led to a massive news article being published in the New York Times on September 4th, 2001. One week prior to 9/11. https://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/04/world/us-germ-warfare-research-pushes-treaty-limits.html
The article alleges that the United States was creating a very virulent strain of Anthrax, namely the Ames strain. The Ames strain is 100% laboratory created, for the purpose of “creating a vaccine for it”, but the government in hind-sight realized that this strain of Anthrax very closely bordered on illegal and out of bounds of the bioweapon treaty. A week later, 9/11 happened. The story about the lab created Anthrax was all but gone. Until October 2001. That is when the “Anthrax letters” began arriving to people like Tom Brokaw, Senator Tom Daschle, and five people died in mail rooms from Anthrax exposure. When the samples were sent for analysis, they originally stated the sample had the substance Bentonite in it. ABC World News quickly spread the story that Bentonite was a “rare element” found mostly in Iraq. “Saddam Hussein is making biological weapons”. We all know what unfolded from that, George W. Bush gave a speech declaring weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Upon further examination, however, it was founded that Bentonite is actually a common substance found in cat litter, and the Anthrax strain sent to the news stations was the Ames strain. Yes. The same strain we created in a laboratory here in the United States. A strain so virulent, it could be argued that it was not in the bounds of the 1972 bioweapon treaty, and we should not have had a stockpile of it anywhere. Below are screenshots of the concerns that arose among people in the military about the revelation that the Ames strain was what was sent to news outlets in 2001. Eventually, the government “found the perp” and when they went to arrest him, the biolab individual they identified as the Anthrax letter sender was found dead of suicide, before he could stand trial. Case closed. Smells a little fishy, doesn’t it?
Which brings us to today. We have credible evidence that Ecohealth Alliance partnered with the NIH, NIADH, and others to create gain of function on a coronavirus, what we now know to be SARS-COV2. As evidenced above, we have hundreds of US funded bioresearch labs across the world, full of unknown pathogens. Do not let the mainstream media fool you here, bioresearch and bioweapon are the same thing. Sometimes, we have to go backwards and look at what happened 20 years ago when we decided to play scientist with Anthrax to learn that what we funded with SARS-COV2 genetic manipulation is not ok. It has had profound consequences globally in every piece of our daily lives. People are dead. The world will never be the same. We are now at the two year anniversary of “two weeks to slow the curve spread” lockdown. A lockdown that would have never been necessary had we learned our lesson with the Ames strain of Anthrax back in 2001. Sometimes, you don’t mess with nature. We still do not know what US funded biolabs across the globe have in their study labs. It is highly likely that SARS-COV2 is not the only snake in the sandbox that could spread worldwide.
9/11 happens a week after Anthrax strain ‘found’? Coincidence?