Watch this 10 minute video by James O’Keefe. This is a violation of Title VII. We no longer hire on merit, we hire based on skin color and ethnicity. When I say I wish pharma would burn to the ground, this is just one of the 10,000 reasons. This video went viral on Friday, and Sanofi has some questions to answer. These are high level executives in the company saying these things on video.
Pharma is heavily involved in politics as well even at the local rep level. There was a call shared with me a few weeks ago, I cannot name the company, but their sole focus of their meeting was how to ensure that Democrats retained and gained all spots in the 2024 election. They were encouraging local reps to donate to certain PAC’s and to influence the vote in any possible way. WHY is a pharma company dedicating a hour long meeting focused on an ELECTION?! Because pharma is paying for the government to do what they want it to do. I don’t need a pharma rep swaying my political decisions. The world of medicine is a dumpster fire of dirty and corrupt, but I promise you, NOTHING is as dirty as Pharma is. It is like saying Alex Soros is the medical establishment and his daddy George is Pharma. Both are evil, but the puppet string puller is pharma.
If the snake head known as pharma is destroyed, medicine might have a fighting chance to build back into something good for people again. With a boatload of re-training for those healthcare providers who are completely sucked into the pharma narrative.
The Democrats have become the party of racism, war and censorship. They have rejected meritocracy in the favor of "diversity" to assure that inept employees will not challenge the sociopathic policies of the pharmaceutical companies. These companies have abandoned all pretense of improving the lives of patients by finding better treatments. They are there to suck the life out of Americans for fun and profit. Of course the drug companies overwhelmingly favor Democrats who will maintain these pharmaceutical parasites in power.
Hopefully, these companies will go belly-up, because of these hiring and promoting policies. It's spectacular to hire "minorities," but because they are good, qualified, employees.