You may remember last fall they began testing this mRNA flu vax on elderly volunteers in select states. Colorado being one of them. We have kicked the program into high gear and are now testing age 18-49 under clinical trial.
“The trial will enroll up to 50 healthy volunteers aged 18 through 49. Three groups of study participants (10 participants each) will be vaccinated with 10, 25 and 50 micrograms of the experimental vaccine, respectively. After evaluation of the data to determine an optimum dosage, an additional 10 participants will be enrolled to receive the optimum dosage. The study also will include a group of participants who will receive a current quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccine. This will allow the researchers a point of direct comparison between the immunogenicity and safety of the candidate vaccine and available seasonal flu vaccines. Participants will be regularly evaluated to assess the vaccine’s safety (and, secondarily, its efficacy) and will receive follow-up appointments for up to one year after vaccination.”. Wait, what??? They are going to inject them with the “optimal dose” of the mRNA vax AND the quadrivalent flu vax currently on the market? WHYYYY? Who in their RIGHT MIND would volunteer for this?!?!?
“A universal influenza vaccine would be a major public health achievement and could eliminate the need for both annual development of seasonal influenza vaccines, as well as the need for patients to get a flu shot each year,” said Acting NIAID Director Hugh Auchincloss, M.D. “Moreover, some strains of influenza virus have significant pandemic potential. A universal flu vaccine could serve as an important line of defense against the spread of a future flu pandemic.”
OK here are my questions. 1. How can a universal flu vaccine happen when they have preached for years that the “strains change” yearly and we need a new one all the time? Are they gonna pump every possible flu strain into one mega mRNA vaccine? Probably. Scary as hell. 2. What is this future flu pandemic they are already speaking of? 3. what happens when you mix covid mRNA with flu mRNA injections? Are we gonna see mass pandemonium with horrible interactions? Furthering the culling that the mRNA covid jab didn’t fully wipe out?
I warned people last fall about the quadrivalent flu shot and to stay away from it if possible, because they are not effective to begin with and I didn’t trust the flu shot that came out last fall. I saw a TON of people who were horribly sick this winter after getting a flu shot. Those who did not get a flu shot remained relatively healthy with at the most minor colds or, as in my situation, I did not get sick at all. I am around patients all day long, and did not even catch a cold this winter.
If you decide to get a flu shot this fall, you better ask questions. Be sure you know what you are getting. I don’t trust that the “clinical trial” vax isn’t put into the supply chain. We would have no way of knowing to be honest. But we have had plenty of posts over the last 6 months discussing how freaking sick everyone was from October to April, and the better question would be how many were covid vaxxed and how many also had a flu vax last fall.
You and most of your readers probably know we are just waiting for Plandemic Part 2 to be unleashed by the Globalists. They’ve been busy moving their chess pieces into position for WHO control of national governments, vaccine passports connected to our bank cards, and general acceptance of every experimental lethal injection that comes down the Pike. If I’m sick, I’d rather swallow a slew of sloth spit and have a witch doctor rattle chicken bones over my head than let anyone inject me with their doses of damage du jour.
I read it as 10 getting the optimal dose and a separate 10 getting current shot. Either way, I’d never volunteer!!!