When you wanna run damage control, this is how you do it. You acknowledge that sudden cardiac death is happening. Because you cannot deny it any longer. But you make sure you get out AHEAD of it so you can create the narrative you want to.
Check out the featured family for this news article. A woman and her children who lost her husband at age 31 to sudden cardiac death in his sleep. When her child was an INFANT. By the looks of the ages of those 2 children, this particular cardiac sudden death occurred prior to covid and covid vaccines. Because THAT is what the news wants you to see. “Oh hey look! Cardiac death happened before covid! It isn’t rare!”
Did sudden cardiac death occur before covid/vaccines? Of course it did! But not often and certainly not at the rates it is currently happening! But what is Australian news trying to do here? They are trying to suggest that it has ALWAYS been this way!! The numbers have always been high. We just didn’t talk about it. Bullshit.
They go on to mention that roughly 40% of the cases have “no known cause”. Again, damage control. They want you to believe that we have no clue why the sudden coincidences happen these days. They are just one big fat “unknown”.
Well done trusted news initiative for your spin on this. Good luck keeping people in the dark, there are more of us awakening each day to what the corrupt world has done here.
And the charade continues. I am not sure what it will take to make truth the norm. I would say “again” but from my reading, truth has always been withheld from the population “for our own good” most likely . May God help us.
When denial turned evil.